American Quasar Petroleum Co. Oil & Gas Wells in Alabama

Operator Summary
Operator Name: American Quasar Petroleum Co.
Production Dates on File: June 1981 to January 1982

12 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with American Quasar Petroleum Co.
Wells Associated With American Quasar Petroleum Co.
Production Based on June 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 01-057-20237 BRADIE GURGANUS 26-15 #1 Fayette County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-125-20023 GORDON DAVIS 35-4 #1 Tuscaloosa County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-057-20240 LOYAL BAKER 19-10 #1 Fayette County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-057-20240 LOYAL BAKER 19-10 #1 Fayette County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-057-20241 REPUBLIC STEEL CORP. 29-5 #1 Fayette County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-125-20024 CAIN-GURGANUS 8-11 #1 Tuscaloosa County Canceled
# 01-125-20025 HENRY GLENN 7-1 #1 Tuscaloosa County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-125-20026 W.F. & CATHERINE SKOGLAND 6-11 #1 Tuscaloosa County Plugged and Abandoned
# 01-125-20027 GEORGE S. WRIGHT ET AL 18-2 #1 Tuscaloosa County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-125-20029 VISTA WATSON 16-14 #1 Tuscaloosa County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-025-20142 M.W. SMITH LUMBER CO. 5-1 #1 Clarke County Dry and Abandoned
# 01-053-20174 JOHN L. JERNIGAN, III ET AL 25-16 #1 Escambia County Dry and Abandoned