B W Musser-611N97W 4NWSW

Lease Summary
Lease Name: B W Musser-611N97W 4NWSW
Operator: Wexpro Company
County: Moffat County, CO
Production Dates on File: March 2007 to January 2014

1 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with B W Musser-611N97W 4NWSW
Wells Associated With B W Musser-611N97W 4NWSW
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 05-081-07366 B W MUSSER 26 Plugged and Abandoned 2007-03-12
Leases Near B W Musser-611N97W 4NWSW
Operators in the Area