Crystal Exploration & Production Company Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Crystal Exploration & Production Company
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

44 Total Leases

47 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Crystal Exploration & Production Company
Leases Associated With Crystal Exploration & Production Company
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 386160 BARNETT-68N68W 20SWSE Larimer County
# 386161 PETERSON-68N68W 20NESW Larimer County
# 395208 MUIR-CARLSON-63N57W 9NESW Morgan County
# 395240 SCHAEFER-64N59W 5SESE Morgan County
# 403298 KEJR *FRANK-61S55W 15SENW Washington County
# 403299 MARLIN MCCRACKEN-65S54W 3NENE Washington County
# 406023 CUYKENDALL-SAC-62N63W 14CSW Weld County
# 406024 CUYKENDALL - SAC-62N63W 14NESE Weld County
# 406079 CUYKENDALL - SAC-62N63W 13SWSW Weld County
# 406259 CUYKENDALL-62N63W 23NENE Weld County
# 406260 CUYKENDALL-SAC-62N63W 13SWSW Weld County
# 406279 SARGENT-62N63W 25SENW Weld County
# 406293 CUYKENDALL-62N63W 14SENW Weld County
# 406300 KELLER-62N63W 26SESE Weld County
# 406320 CUYKENDALL-62N63W 24NWSW Weld County
# 406325 M TOLLE-61N62W 18SENE Weld County
# 406341 CUYKENDALL-62N63W 24NENW Weld County
# 406343 CUYKENDALL* R A-62N63W 23NESE Weld County
# 406363 MITZEL-62N63W 26NWNE Weld County
# 406368 WADDLE-62N63W 2SESW Weld County
# 406371 CUYKENDALL-62N63W 11NWNE Weld County
# 406372 CUYKENDALL-62N63W 24SWSW Weld County
# 406373 CUYKENDALL-62N63W 24NESW Weld County
# 406380 WADDLE-62N63W 11SESW Weld County
# 406406 VOGEL ET AL-61N63W 11SENE Weld County
# 406417 CUYKENDALL-62N63W 13SESW Weld County
# 406616 TRUPP-BITTNER-61N63W 11SWSE Weld County
# 406659 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 8NENE Weld County
# 406660 CRYSTAL STATE-62N62W 36NWSE Weld County
# 406669 CRYSTAL MCCLINTOCK-61N63W 12NESW Weld County
# 406696 KLUVER-MOORE-61N63W 14SWNE Weld County
# 406710 CRYSTAL-AMOCO-63N62W 5SESW Weld County
# 406726 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 8CNW Weld County
# 406735 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 5NWSE Weld County
# 406777 MARCIA R LUCE-68N57W 2SWNW Weld County
# 406791 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 4NWSW Weld County
# 406792 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 12CSW (OWP) Weld County
# 406799 REID-61N62W 2SESE Weld County
# 406803 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 16NWNW Weld County
# 406813 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 17NENE Weld County
# 406817 GROVES-68N64W 32SESE Weld County
# 406857 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 9NWSW Weld County
# 406858 CRYSTAL STATE-63N62W 18NENE Weld County
# 406869 FEDERAL-63N62W 13SWNE Weld County
Wells Associated With Crystal Exploration & Production Company
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-069-06084 BARNETT 34-20 Larimer County Abandoned Location
# 05-069-06085 PETERSON 23-20 Larimer County Abandoned Location
# 05-087-07405 MUIR-CARLSON 1-A Morgan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-087-07438 SCHAEFER 44-5 Morgan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-09284 KEJR *FRANK 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-09285 MARLIN MCCRACKEN 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-07459 CUYKENDALL-SAC 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-07460 CUYKENDALL - SAC 2 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-07461 CUYKENDALL SAC 3 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-07573 CUYKENDALL - SAC 4 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-07823 WEICKUM 1-A Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08115 CUYKENDALL-SAC 2 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08151 SARGENT 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08179 CUYKENDALL 1-A Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08193 KELLER 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08209 WILLIAM SARGENT 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08223 CUYKENDALL 5 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08228 M TOLLE 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08258 CUYKENDALL 7 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08260 CUYKENDALL* R A 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08310 MITZEL 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08316 WADDLE 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08322 CUYKENDALL 3-D-X Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08325 CUYKENDALL 11 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08326 CUYKENDALL 13 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08350 WADDLE 1-A Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08412 VOGEL ET AL 2 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08443 CUYKENDALL 2-F Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-08950 TRUPP-BITTNER 2 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09124 CRYSTAL STATE 41-8 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09128 CRYSTAL STATE 33-36 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09147 CRYSTAL MCCLINTOCK 23-12 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09210 NELSON 34-12 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09220 KLUVER-MOORE 32-14 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09256 CRYSTAL-AMOCO 24-5 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09280 CRYSTAL STATE 55-8 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09292 CRYSTAL STATE 33-5 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09390 MARCIA R LUCE 55-2 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09414 CRYSTAL STATE 13-4 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09415 CRYSTAL STATE 57-12 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09433 REID 44-2 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09439 CRYSTAL STATE 11-16 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09459 CRYSTAL STATE 41-17 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09472 GROVES 44-32 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09567 CRYSTAL STATE 13-9 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09568 CRYSTAL STATE 41-18 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-09590 FEDERAL 13-32 Weld County Abandoned Location