Diamond Operating, Inc. Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Diamond Operating, Inc.
Production Dates on File: July 2000 to February 2022

27 Total Leases

28 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Diamond Operating, Inc.
Leases Associated With Diamond Operating, Inc.
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 303105 STATE OF COLORADO-62S44W 12SENE Yuma County
# 303256 MC ELWAIN-62N47W 2SENE Yuma County
# 306015 DUNBAR-69N61W 4NESW Weld County
# 312257 MARSH-612N53W 22SESE Logan County
# 312259 UPRR - WORK-612N53W 23SWSW Logan County
# 316920 WHITAKER-64S53W 2SWNE Washington County
# 316975 KEJR 'C'-62S56W 11SENW Washington County
# 316987 KEJR 'V'-62S56W 1NWNW Washington County
# 317101 STATE 16-63S52W 16SWSE Washington County
# 317151 KEJR 'V'-62S56W 1NENW Washington County
# 375432 PILAND-63S63W 6SWSW Adams County
# 389532 ZWICKL-612N53W 27NENE Logan County
# 389593 POW WOW UNIT MCCLENEGHAN-612N53W 27NENW Logan County
# 396078 WILLIS F DEMMEL-69N44W 35SESE Phillips County
# 402340 FIECHTER-62N51W 10NWNW Washington County
# 403424 MCPEAK-64S52W 2SWSE Washington County
# 403509 FIECHTER-62N51W 9NENE Washington County
# 403514 THOMA-64S55W 12SWSE Washington County
# 403610 WITHAM-64S53W 1NENE Washington County
# 404389 DOWNING-62S56W 15SESE Washington County
# 404403 KEJR-62S56W 11SESW Washington County
# 405315 GILLETTE, MILES & DON-69N61W 9SWSE Weld County
# 407719 MICHIGAN-67N60W 18NWNE Weld County
# 408088 JSD-66N61W 13CSW Weld County
# 410005 HAWKINS-68N67W 18SESW Weld County
# 410010 WEST-68N62W 24NWNW Weld County
# 411596 WELP-62S44W 13NESW Yuma County
Wells Associated With Diamond Operating, Inc.
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-001-06295 PILAND 1-6 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09452 HARVEY 33-22 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-075-08134 MARSH 1 Logan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-075-08156 UPRR - WORK 1 Logan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-075-08157 ZWICKL 1 Logan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-075-08219 POW WOW UNIT MCCLENEGHAN TR 5 3-27 Logan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-095-06028 WILLIS F DEMMEL 1 Phillips County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-05234 WHITAKER 2 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-06083 KEJR 'C' 6 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-06213 KEJR 'V' 3 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-08252 FIECHTER 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-08836 STATE 16 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-09360 KEJR 'V' 4 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-09424 MCPEAK 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-09528 FIECHTER 2 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-09533 THOMA 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-09650 WITHAM 3 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10556 DOWNING 10-15 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10577 KEJR 24-11 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-05676 GILLETTE, MILES & DON 10 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-11560 MICHIGAN 31-18 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-12673 JSD 1 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-23849 DUNBAR 3 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-25408 HAWKINS 1-18 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-123-25585 WEST 11-24 Weld County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-06339 STATE OF COLORADO 1-12 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-06648 MC ELWAIN 1 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-10001 WELP 23-13 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned