Houston Exploration Company* The Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Houston Exploration Company* The
Production Dates on File: July 2004 to May 2007

29 Total Leases

29 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Houston Exploration Company* The
Leases Associated With Houston Exploration Company* The
Production Based on October 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 337292 WALCHLE-65N43W 27SWNW Yuma County
# 396117 KENNEDY STATE-67N45W 36NENE Phillips County
# 396135 WORLEY-67N45W 24NESW Phillips County
# 411439 BLEDSOE-63N43W 20NWNW Yuma County
# 411440 BLEDSOE-63N43W 31NWNE Yuma County
# 411441 BLEDSOE-64N43W 32SWNE Yuma County
# 411442 BLEDSOE-63N43W 4NWSW Yuma County
# 411449 BLEDSOE-63N43W 5NENE Yuma County
# 411450 BLEDSOE-63N43W 5NENW Yuma County
# 411455 BLEDSOE-63N43W 17NESE Yuma County
# 411456 BLEDSOE-63N43W 18NENW Yuma County
# 411462 BLEDSOE-63N44W 25NWSE Yuma County
# 411471 BLEDSOE-63N43W 31NENE Yuma County
# 411522 BRINKEMA-65N44W 14SWSW Yuma County
# 411549 BRINKEMA-65N44W 23SESW Yuma County
# 411558 BOWMAN-65N44W 21NWNE Yuma County
# 411579 HENDRIX-64N43W 27NWSW Yuma County
# 411580 HENDRIX-64N43W 28NESW Yuma County
# 411581 WORLEY-65N44W 11NWSE Yuma County
# 411584 BLEDSOE-64N43W 22NENW Yuma County
# 411586 BLEDSOE-64N44W 5SESE Yuma County
# 411593 COB PARTNERSHIP-65N44W 27SESW Yuma County
# 411611 BROPHY-65N44W 32SENW Yuma County
# 411654 WALCHLE-65N43W 27SWSE Yuma County
# 411655 WALCHLE-65N43W 27SESE Yuma County
# 411656 WALCHLE-65N43W 27NENE Yuma County
# 411657 WALCHLE-65N43W 22NESW Yuma County
# 411658 ROYAL-65N43W 29SESE Yuma County
# 411663 ROYAL-65N43W 32SESW Yuma County
Wells Associated With Houston Exploration Company* The
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-095-06082 KENNEDY STATE 1-36-7-45 Phillips County Abandoned Location
# 05-095-06145 WORLEY 11-24-7-45 Phillips County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09005 BLEDSOE 4-20-3-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09007 BLEDSOE 2-31 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09011 BLEDSOE 7-32-4-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09012 BLEDSOE 12-4 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09052 BLEDSOE 1-5-3-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09053 BLEDSOE 3-5-3-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09110 BLEDSOE 9-17-3-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09118 BLEDSOE 3-18-3-43 Yuma County Abandoned Location
# 05-125-09136 BLEDSOE 10-25-3-44 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09174 BLEDSOE 1-31-3-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09484 BRINKEMA 13-14-5-44 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09646 BRINKEMA 14-23-5-44 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09693 BOWMAN 2-21-5-44 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09751 HENDRIX 12-27-4-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09764 HENDRIX 11-28-4-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09765 WORLEY 10-11-5-44 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09837 BLEDSOE 3-22-4-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09870 BLEDSOE 16-5-4-44 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-09982 COB PARTNERSHIP 14-27-5-44 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-10011 WALCHLE 5A-27-5-43 Yuma County Abandoned Location
# 05-125-10080 BROPHY 6-32-5-44 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-10255 WALCHLE 15-27-5-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-10256 WALCHLE 16-27-5-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-10284 WALCHLE 1-27-5-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-10285 WALCHLE 11-22-5-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-10297 ROYAL 16-29-5-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-125-10380 ROYAL 14-32-5-43 Yuma County Plugged and Abandoned