HS Resources Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: HS Resources Inc
Production Dates on File: January 1999 to December 2005

235 Total Leases

245 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with HS Resources Inc
Leases Associated With HS Resources Inc
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 302485 MOSER-63N65W 27SWNE Weld County
# 317658 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FUEL CO D-62N67W 19NESE Weld County
# 331853 HOFF-65N65W 27NENE Weld County
# 375875 ANDERSON-62S64W 10NWNW Adams County
# 377290 HSR-TRI B-62S64W 11SWSW Adams County
# 377291 HSR-HANSON-62S65W 2SESE Adams County
# 377299 HSR-MILE HIGH-61S65W 6NENW Adams County
# 377301 HSR MILE HIGH-61S66W 1NWSE Adams County
# 377321 HSR-TRI B-62S64W 11NWSE Adams County
# 377322 HSR-TRI B-62S64W 11SESW Adams County
# 377329 HSR-RYEL-62S66W 10NWNE Adams County
# 377330 HSR-FINLEY-62S66W 2SESE Adams County
# 377331 HSR-KUGEL-62S64W 12NWNW Adams County
# 377332 HSR-TR RANCH-62S66W 3SESW Adams County
# 377333 HSR-VAN SCHAACK-62S66W 10SESE Adams County
# 377334 HSR-JOHNSON-62S66W 3SENW Adams County
# 377335 HSR-BARCLAY-61S62W 29NWSE Adams County
# 377336 HSR-SMILEY MQ-61S60W 29SENE Adams County
# 377337 HSR-MOST NOBLE-61S60W 28NENW Adams County
# 377338 HSR-LINNEBUR-62S61W 9SWNW Adams County
# 377340 HSR-NAZARENUS-62S64W 8SWSE Adams County
# 377341 HSR-CISSELL-63S63W 18SESE Adams County
# 377342 HSR-HOOKER TRUST-63S63W 18SENW Adams County
# 377344 HSR-PICCADILLY-61S66W 25SENW Adams County
# 377345 HSR-VAN SCHAACK-61S65W 33SENE Adams County
# 377346 HSR-WENZEL-61S65W 29NWNE Adams County
# 377349 HSR-HABEL-62S62W 27NENE Adams County
# 377350 HSR-BOWEN-63S62W 5NWNE Adams County
# 377353 HSR-BURCHFIELD-63S60W 10SENE Adams County
# 377355 HSR-SMIALEK-63S63W 17SESW Adams County
# 377358 HSR-STONE-63S63W 22NESW Adams County
# 377372 HSR-SAUTER UPRC-61S63W 17NESE Adams County
# 377374 HSR-SAUTER-61S63W 8SWSE Adams County
# 377893 HSR-BRADBURY-65S61W 6NWNW Arapahoe County
# 378379 BENNETT-64S63W 29SWSW Arapahoe County
# 378390 HSR-LINNEBUR-64S63W 28SWNW Arapahoe County
# 378391 HSR-ADAME-64S63W 21SESW Arapahoe County
# 378393 HSR-KNOPF-64S63W 21SENE Arapahoe County
# 378396 HSR-BLAIR-64S63W 33SENW Arapahoe County
# 378397 HSR-HAY-64S63W 3SWSE Arapahoe County
# 378398 HSR-OSBORN-64S63W 23SESW Arapahoe County
# 378399 HSR-O'BRIEN-64S63W 27SWSE Arapahoe County
# 378405 HSR-BENNETT-64S63W 29NESW Arapahoe County
# 378406 HSR-JACOBS/HILL-64S63W 22NWSW Arapahoe County
# 378407 HSR-LINNEBUR-64S63W 28NWNW Arapahoe County
# 378408 HSR-BENNETT-64S63W 20NWSE Arapahoe County
# 378409 HSR-MILLER-65S62W 31SWSE Arapahoe County
# 378411 HSR-K. BOTHWELL-65S63W 27NWNE Arapahoe County
# 378412 HSR-SUMNER-64S63W 10NESE Arapahoe County
# 378415 HSR-MAAGNITYEZ-65S62W 3NENW Arapahoe County
Wells Associated With HS Resources Inc
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-001-06968 ANDERSON 10-4 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09238 HSR-TRI B 13-11 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09239 HSR-HANSON 16-2 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09250 HSR-MILE HIGH 6-6 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09252 HSR MILE HIGH 10-1 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09286 HSR-TRI B 10-11 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09287 HSR-TRI B 14-11 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09300 HSR-RYEL 2-10 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09306 HSR-FINLEY 16-2 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09308 HSR-KUGEL 4-12 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09310 HSR-TR RANCH 14-3 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09311 HSR-VAN SCHAACK 16-10 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09317 HSR-JOHNSON 6-3 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09319 HSR-BARCLAY 10-29 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09320 HSR-SMILEY MQ 8-29 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09325 HSR-MOST NOBLE 3-28 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09326 HSR-LINNEBUR 5-9 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09328 HSR-NAZARENUS 15-8 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09333 HSR-CISSELL 16-18 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09334 HSR-HOOKER TRUST 6-18 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09337 HSR-PICCADILLY 6-25 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09339 HSR-VAN SCHAACK 8-33 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09340 HSR-WENZEL 2-29 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09344 HSR-HABEL 1-27 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09346 HSR-BOWEN 2-5 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09350 HSR-BURCHFIELD 8-10 Adams County Abandoned Location
# 05-001-09352 HSR-SMIALEK 14-17 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09356 HSR-STONE 11-22 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09390 HSR-SAUTER UPRC 9-17 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-09393 HSR-SAUTER 15-8 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-06368 HSR-BRADBURY 4-6 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-06991 BENNETT A-1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07004 BENNETT A-3 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07010 HSR-LINNEBUR 5-28-1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07012 HSR-ADAME 14-21 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07014 HSR-KNOPF 8-21 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07018 HSR-BLAIR 6-33 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07019 HSR-HAY 15-3 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07020 HSR-OSBORN 14-23 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07021 HSR-O'BRIEN 15-27 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07077 HSR-BENNETT 11-29 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07078 HSR-JACOBS/HILL 12-22 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07079 HSR-LINNEBUR 4-28 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07081 HSR-BENNETT 10-20 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07083 HSR-MILLER 15-31 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07085 HSR-K. BOTHWELL 2-27 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07086 HSR-SUMNER 9-10 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07090 HSR-MAAGNITYEZ 3-3 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-07091 HSR-ENGLEWOOD 14-23 Arapahoe County Abandoned Location
# 05-005-07092 HSR-KENYON 10-27 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned