Hughes* William E Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Hughes* William E
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

73 Total Leases

76 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Hughes* William E
Leases Associated With Hughes* William E
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 378478 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SWSE Archuleta County
# 378481 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NWSE Archuleta County
# 378483 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NENE Archuleta County
# 378484 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SWNE Archuleta County
# 378485 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NWSE Archuleta County
# 378486 GRAMPS-N33N2E 24NWSW Archuleta County
# 378488 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SESE Archuleta County
# 378490 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SWNE Archuleta County
# 378541 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24CNW Archuleta County
# 378553 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NWSE Archuleta County
# 378554 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SWNE Archuleta County
# 378558 GRAMPS-N33N2E 24SESE Archuleta County
# 378559 GRAMPS FEE-N33N2E 25SESE Archuleta County
# 378560 GRAMPS-N33N2E 24NENE Archuleta County
# 378565 GRAMPS-N33N2E 24SWSE Archuleta County
# 378575 GRAMPS FIELD-MILLER, J.-N32N3E 6NWSE Archuleta County
# 378576 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NWSE Archuleta County
# 378580 JOHNNY MILLER-N33N3E 31SENW Archuleta County
# 378583 JOHNNY MILLER-N33N3E 31SENW Archuleta County
# 378584 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NWNW Archuleta County
# 378585 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 23SWNE Archuleta County
# 378586 GRAMPS FIELD --N33N2E 23SENE Archuleta County
# 378587 GRAMPS FIELD BF--N33N2E 23NESE Archuleta County
# 378588 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 25NWNW Archuleta County
# 378589 JOHNNY MILLER-N32N2E 6SENW Archuleta County
# 378591 JOHNNY MILLER-N33N3E 31SWNW Archuleta County
# 378592 JOHNNY MILLER-N33N3E 30NWSW Archuleta County
# 378593 JINKIE-N33N3E 7NWSW Archuleta County
# 378594 GRAMPS FIELD-JINKIE-N33N2E 13SWNE Archuleta County
# 378595 JINKIE-N33N2E 12SESE Archuleta County
# 378597 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NESW Archuleta County
# 378598 JOHNNY MILLER-N33N2E 36NESE Archuleta County
# 378599 JOHNNY MILLER-N33N2E 36NESE Archuleta County
# 378600 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 13SWSW Archuleta County
# 378601 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NENW Archuleta County
# 378602 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SENW Archuleta County
# 378603 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SWNE Archuleta County
# 378605 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NESE Archuleta County
# 378606 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SWNW Archuleta County
# 378607 JOHNNY MILLER-N33N3E 31NWNW Archuleta County
# 378610 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SESE Archuleta County
# 378611 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24NESE Archuleta County
# 378612 GRAMPS FIELD --N33N2E 24SENW Archuleta County
# 378614 JOHNNY MILLER-N33N2E 25NESW Archuleta County
# 378615 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SWSE Archuleta County
# 378616 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 24SENW Archuleta County
# 378617 GRAMPS FIELD S 79-N32N2E 1NWSE Archuleta County
# 378618 GRAMPS FIELD .-N33N3E 31NWSW Archuleta County
# 378619 GRAMPS FIELD .-N33N2E 25NWNE Archuleta County
# 378620 GRAMPS FIELD-N33N2E 25NWNE Archuleta County
Wells Associated With Hughes* William E
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-007-05061 GRAMPS FIELD 48 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05064 GRAMPS FIELD 47 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05066 GRAMPS FIELD 22 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05071 GRAMPS FIELD 10 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05073 GRAMPS FIELD 13 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05075 GRAMPS 6 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05080 GRAMPS FIELD 4 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05082 GRAMPS FIELD 40 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05211 GRAMPS FIELD 45 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05300 GRAMPS FIELD 15 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05301 GRAMPS FIELD 37 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05311 GRAMPS 5 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05315 GRAMPS FEE 4 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05316 GRAMPS 23 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-05338 GRAMPS 16 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06006 GRAMPS FIELD-MILLER, J. 1 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06007 GRAMPS FIELD 51 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06012 JOHNNY MILLER 2 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06014 GRAMPS FIELD 49-A Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06015 JOHNNY MILLER 3 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06016 GRAMPS FIELD WE-2 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06017 GRAMPS FIELD WE-3 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06018 GRAMPS FIELD - BF-1 Archuleta County Abandoned Location
# 05-007-06019 GRAMPS FIELD BF- BF-2 Archuleta County Abandoned Location
# 05-007-06020 GRAMPS FIELD BF-3 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06021 JOHNNY MILLER 4 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06023 JOHNNY MILLER 6 Archuleta County Abandoned Location
# 05-007-06024 JOHNNY MILLER 7 Archuleta County Abandoned Location
# 05-007-06025 JINKIE 1 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06026 GRAMPS FIELD-JINKIE 2 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06027 JINKIE 3 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06029 GRAMPS FIELD 52 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06030 GRAMPS FIELD 1 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06031 JOHNNY MILLER 9 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06032 JOHNNY MILLER 10 Archuleta County Abandoned Location
# 05-007-06033 GRAMPS FIELD WE 4 Archuleta County Abandoned Location
# 05-007-06034 GRAMPS FIELD WE-5 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06035 GRAMPS FIELD 6 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06036 GRAMPS FIELD 53 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06038 GRAMPS FIELD 55 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06039 GRAMPS FIELD WE-4 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06040 JOHNNY MILLER 11 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06041 GRAMPS FIELD 54 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06044 GRAMPS FIELD 56 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06045 GRAMPS FIELD 57 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06046 GRAMPS FIELD - WE-7 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06050 JOHNNY MILLER S 79 #2 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06051 GRAMPS FIELD 59 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06052 GRAMPS FIELD 58 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-007-06053 GRAMPS FIELD S 79 79-8 Archuleta County Plugged and Abandoned