Monument Global Resources Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Monument Global Resources Inc
Production Dates on File: June 2012 to July 2014

18 Total Leases

18 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Monument Global Resources Inc
Leases Associated With Monument Global Resources Inc
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 313424 CACHE UNIT (EPA)-N34N20W 2SWNW (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313425 CACHE UNIT-N34N20W 3NENE (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313426 CACHE UNIT-N34N20W 2NWNW (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313427 CACHE UNIT-N34N20W 2NENW (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313428 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 35SWSW (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313429 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 34NWSE (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313430 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 34NESE (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313431 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 35NWSW (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313442 CACHE UNIT (EPA)-N34N20W 2SENE (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313444 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 34SESE (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313445 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 35SESW (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313446 CACHE UNIT-N34N20W 1NESW Montezuma County
# 313447 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 34SWNE (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313448 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 34SWSE (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313454 CACHE UNIT-N34N20W 2NWNW (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313519 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 34SESE (OWP) Montezuma County
# 313554 CACHE UNIT-N35N20W 35SWSW (OWP) Montezuma County
# 392783 CACHE UNIT-N34N20W 2SWNE Montezuma County
Wells Associated With Monument Global Resources Inc
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-083-05145 CACHE UNIT (EPA) 12 Montezuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-083-05147 CACHE UNIT 8 (OWP) Montezuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-083-05148 CACHE UNIT 9 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-05151 Cache Unit 10 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-05152 CACHE UNIT 6 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-05153 CACHE UNIT 1 (OWP) Montezuma County Producing
# 05-083-05154 CACHE UNIT 2 (OWP) Montezuma County Producing
# 05-083-05155 CACHE UNIT 3 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-05345 CACHE UNIT 14A Montezuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-083-05346 CACHE UNIT (EPA) 15 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-05352 CACHE UNIT 5 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-05353 CACHE UNIT 7 (OWP) Montezuma County Injecting
# 05-083-05410 CACHE UNIT 17 Montezuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-083-05415 CACHE UNIT 19 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-05416 CACHE UNIT 4 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-06068 CACHE UNIT 20 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-06391 CACHE UNIT 21 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In
# 05-083-06525 CACHE UNIT 26 (OWP) Montezuma County Shut In