Murfin Drilling Company Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Murfin Drilling Company Inc
Production Dates on File: January 1999 to October 2024

4 Counties With Production

5 Currently Producing Leases

221 Total Leases

5 Currently Producing Wells

227 Total Wells

644 Barrels of Oil Produced in Sep 2024

738 MCF of Gas Produced in Sep 2024

Map of Wells Associated with Murfin Drilling Company Inc
Murfin Drilling Company Inc Production By County
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Location Total Wells Oil Production Gas Production Total BOE
Baca County 32 0 BBLs 0 MCF 0 BBLs
Cheyenne County 60 300 BBLs 0 MCF 300 BBLs
Lincoln County 25 344 BBLs 260 MCF 352 BBLs
Prowers County 29 0 BBLs 478 MCF 15 BBLs
Leases Associated With Murfin Drilling Company Inc
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location Oil Production Gas Production
# 314195 SCHNEIDER-622S46W 3SWSW Prowers County
# 314196 SHINN-622S46W 4NWSE Prowers County
# 314198 SPRINGER-621S46W 33NWSE Prowers County
# 314199 REED-621S46W 32NWNE Prowers County
# 314202 LAMAR LIVESTOCK-621S46W 29SWSW Prowers County
# 321072 S.E. CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 2NENW Baca County
# 321074 S E CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 2NWNE Baca County
# 321075 SE CAMPO UNIT-634S46W 35SWSE Baca County
# 321076 SE CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 2NENE Baca County
# 321080 S E CAMPO UNIT-634S46W 35SESW Baca County
# 321081 S E CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1NWNW Baca County
# 321093 SE CAMPO UNIT-634S46W 34SESE Baca County
# 321110 S.E. CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1SENW Baca County
# 321111 S E CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1SWNE Baca County
# 321112 S.E. CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1NWSE Baca County
# 321114 S.E. CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1NESW Baca County
# 321115 S E CAMPO UNIT/LANSING D-635S46W 1SWSE Baca County
# 321117 S.E. CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1NENW Baca County
# 321118 S E CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1NWSW Baca County
# 321119 S.E. CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1NESE Baca County
# 321120 S.E. CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1SESW Baca County
# 321121 COMANCHE FEDERAL C-635S46W 1SESE Baca County
# 321129 S.E. CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1SENE Baca County
# 321130 LANSING D SAND UNIT-635S46W 12NENW Baca County
# 321133 S E CAMPO UNIT-635S45W 6NWSW Baca County
# 321134 S E CAMPO UNIT-634S46W 35SESE Baca County
# 321231 TEMPEL-621S48W 13SWSW Bent County
# 321249 MCCLAVE-622S48W 18SENE Bent County
# 321546 UPRR-616S45W 1SWSE Cheyenne County
# 321547 LOWE-616S45W 12NENW Cheyenne County
# 321566 LOWE-616S45W 12SENW Cheyenne County
# 321602 S-S-M CARR-613S50W 6SWSW Cheyenne County
# 321610 S-S-M KREGEL-613S51W 12SENW Cheyenne County
# 321617 LOWE-616S45W 12NWNW Cheyenne County
# 321782 UPRC - BEEK-613S44W 17NESW Cheyenne County
# 379151 DICKEY-632S44W 31SWNE Baca County
# 379188 BROOKS-632S44W 8SWNE Baca County
# 379189 GORDON-632S44W 21SENW Baca County
# 379238 B-J-P-O-631S45W 2CW2 Baca County
# 379242 KEARLEY-635S46W 2SENW Baca County
# 379243 KEARLEY-635S46W 2NWNW Baca County
# 379245 BROWN-STATE-632S43W 36SWNE Baca County
# 379253 BACA-FEDERAL SECU 303S-634S46W 36SWSW Baca County
# 379257 SECU-635S46W 2SENE Baca County
# 379317 COMANCHE FEDERAL D-635S46W 12NWNE Baca County
# 379318 SE CAMPO UNIT-635S46W 1NWNE Baca County
# 379532 HUDSON-PERSYN LTD-622S48W 1SWSW Bent County
# 379534 SPADY-621S51W 19NENE Bent County
# 379538 COLORADO STATE-621S48W 13W2NE Bent County
# 379553 DOWNING A-622S48W 35CNE Bent County
Wells Associated With Murfin Drilling Company Inc
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-009-06246 DICKEY 1-31 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06301 BROOKS 1-8 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06303 GORDON 1-21 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06371 S.E. CAMPO UNIT 401 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06374 B-J-P-O 1-2 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06376 S E CAMPO UNIT 402W Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06380 KEARLEY A-3 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06381 SE CAMPO UNIT 301 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06382 KEARLEY 4 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06383 SE CAMPO UNIT 405 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06388 S E CAMPO UNIT 201W Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06389 BROWN-STATE 1-36 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06393 S E CAMPO UNIT 601W Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06400 BACA-FEDERAL SECU 303S 1-36 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06404 SECU 502 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06440 SE CAMPO UNIT 101 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06483 S.E. CAMPO UNIT 602 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06489 S E CAMPO UNIT 1101W Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06494 S.E. CAMPO UNIT 1201 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06496 S.E. CAMPO UNIT 603 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06497 S E CAMPO UNIT/LANSING D 1202W/302W Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06500 S.E. CAMPO UNIT 605 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06501 S E CAMPO UNIT 607W Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06502 S.E. CAMPO UNIT 1203 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06503 S.E. CAMPO UNIT 606 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06504 COMANCHE FEDERAL D 1 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06505 COMANCHE FEDERAL C 4 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06514 S.E. CAMPO UNIT 1102 Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06515 LANSING D SAND UNIT 401 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06516 SE CAMPO UNIT 1 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-009-06528 S E CAMPO UNIT 701W Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-009-06532 S E CAMPO UNIT 304W Baca County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-011-06075 HUDSON-PERSYN LTD 1 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06077 SPADY 1-19 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06082 COLORADO STATE 1-13 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06104 DOWNING A 1 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06111 KEDING 1-36 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06144 WISHARD 1-5 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06148 TEMPEL 1-13 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06156 MCCLAVE-STATE 1-1 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06157 SMARTT 1-35 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06158 CLINE 1-8 Bent County Abandoned Location
# 05-011-06159 JOHN SMARTT 1-4 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06175 ABIGAIL 1-9 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06177 STURGES FEDERAL 2-1 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06184 GIDEON 1-10 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06186 MCCLAVE 1-18 Bent County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-011-06187 CONESTOGA 1-14 Bent County Abandoned Location
# 05-017-06010 LOWE 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06021 W MILLER 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned