Northstar Gas Company Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Northstar Gas Company Inc
Production Dates on File: January 1999 to January 2016

16 Total Leases

18 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Northstar Gas Company Inc
Leases Associated With Northstar Gas Company Inc
Production Based on October 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 314858 SW RANGELY-FEDERAL-61S103W 9NENW (OWP) Rio Blanco County
# 314885 BANTA RIDGE-FEDERAL-61S103W 4NESE Rio Blanco County
# 314902 BANTA RIDGE UNIT-61S103W 17NENW (OWP) Rio Blanco County
# 315529 FEDERAL-61S103W 15SWSE Rio Blanco County
# 315578 FEDERAL-61S103W 17SENE (OWP) Rio Blanco County
# 315631 FEDERAL-61N103W 23NESE (OWP) Rio Blanco County
# 315653 FEDERAL-61N103W 22NESW (OWP) Rio Blanco County
# 315680 FEDERAL-61N103W 22NENE (OWP) Rio Blanco County
# 322394 COHIBA-FEDERAL-66S102W 6SENE (OWP) Garfield County
# 322478 ATCHEE-FEDERAL-66S103W 24SWSW (OWP) Garfield County
# 322516 FEDERAL-66S103W 1NENE (OWP) Garfield County
# 400659 LITTLE BEAVER UNIT-62S56W 7SENW Washington County
# 400713 LITTLE BEAVER UNIT-62S56W 5NWSW Washington County
# 401646 AKRON EAST UNIT-63N52W 25NWSE (OWP) Washington County
# 401687 AKRON EAST NORTH UNIT-63N52W 24NESE Washington County
# 401697 AKRON EAST NORTH UNIT-63N52W 24SENE Washington County
Wells Associated With Northstar Gas Company Inc
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-045-06162 COHIBA-FEDERAL 6-8 (OWP) Garfield County Shut In
# 05-045-06345 ATCHEE-FEDERAL 6-24 (OWP) Garfield County Producing
# 05-045-06436 FEDERAL 1-1 (OWP) Garfield County Producing
# 05-103-07431 SW RANGELY-FEDERAL 1-9 (OWP) Rio Blanco County Producing
# 05-103-07485 BANTA RIDGE-FEDERAL 2 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-07513 BANTA RIDGE UNIT 3 (OWP) Rio Blanco County Producing
# 05-103-08660 FEDERAL 2-15 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-08749 FEDERAL 9-17-1-103(OWP) Rio Blanco County Shut In
# 05-103-08864 FEDERAL 8-23 (OWP) Rio Blanco County Producing
# 05-103-08920 FEDERAL 6-22 (OWP) Rio Blanco County Shut In
# 05-103-08999 FEDERAL 16-22 (OWP) Rio Blanco County Shut In
# 05-121-06088 LITTLE BEAVER UNIT 70 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-06152 LITTLE BEAVER UNIT 74 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-07202 AKRON EAST UNIT 6-05 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-07247 AKRON EAST NORTH UNIT 4-02 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-07258 AKRON EAST NORTH UNIT 3-01 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-07264 AKRON EAST NORTH UNIT 2-W02 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-08782 AKRON EAST UNIT 6-07 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned