Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC
Production Dates on File: September 2018 to July 2024

213 Total Leases

214 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC
Leases Associated With Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 305624 INDIAN TREE-66N66W 9SWNE (OWP) Weld County
# 305625 INDIAN TREE-66N66W 9SENE Weld County
# 309928 LUCAS SCHOOL-66N66W 9NESE Weld County
# 312994 SAND HILLS-FEDERAL-612N91W 19SENE (OWP) Moffat County
# 313066 SAND HILLS FEDERAL-612N91W 29SWSE (OWP) Moffat County
# 313096 SAND HILLS FED-612N91W 20NESE (OWP) Moffat County
# 313899 GIVAN-66N60W 8NENW (OWP) Morgan County
# 313925 ALISSA-66N60W 5NWSE (OWP) Morgan County
# 313929 JANET-61N56W 14SWSE (OWP) Morgan County
# 317488 SARGENT FARMS "A"-62N63W 25NWSE (OWP) Weld County
# 317608 UPRR-BERGREN-612N57W 27NENW (OWP) Weld County
# 317965 SIRIOS BROTHERS-62N61W 32NWNE (OWP) Weld County
# 318036 SARGENT FARMS "B"-62N63W 25SENE (OWP) Weld County
# 318167 RUTH-62N61W 29SWSE (OWP) Weld County
# 318514 OSKARSON-62N68W 33SWSW (OWP) Weld County
# 318518 WELD-62N62W 20SESW Weld County
# 318941 VICTOR STATE-62N62W 20NWSW (OWP) Weld County
# 318947 CINDY-61N64W 28NESW (OWP) Weld County
# 319645 JAN-61S60W 20SESW (OWP) Adams County
# 319646 DOUBLE BAR O-61S60W 18NESE (OWP) Adams County
# 319648 UPRR-SANDEN-EHN-61S60W 17SWSW (OWP) Adams County
# 319649 UPRR-LINNEBUR-61S60W 19NENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319650 UPRR-EHN-61S60W 17SWNW (OWP) Adams County
# 319652 UPRR-SANDEN-EHN-61S60W 17NESW (OWP) Adams County
# 319653 KUNCE-61S60W 20NENW (OWP) Adams County
# 319654 BAUGHMAN FARMS-61S60W 31NESE (OWP) Adams County
# 319656 UPRR-EHN-61S60W 17SWSE (OWP) Adams County
# 319657 FRED JR.-61S63W 22NENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319659 PACKARD-61S64W 22NENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319660 EHN-61S60W 20NENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319661 EHN-61S60W 20SWNE (OWP) Adams County
# 319664 RANDALL-61S64W 10NENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319668 UPRR-USX AM-63S62W 19SESE (OWP) Adams County
# 319680 UPRR 60 PAN AM A-61S64W 7NWSE (OWP) Adams County
# 319683 HOSMER-61S64W 34SWSW (OWP) Adams County
# 319685 UPRR-EHN-61S60W 17NESE (OWP) Adams County
# 319700 VETTER-62S62W 22SWSE (OWP) Adams County
# 319701 DOUBLE-USX ZM-63S63W 17NESW (OWP) Adams County
# 319708 FERGUSON 42-25-62S62W 25SENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319710 FERGUSON-62S62W 25NWNE (OWP) Adams County
# 319731 LARSON-63S64W 10NENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319735 HABEL-62S62W 34SENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319742 UPRR-WAILES-62S63W 1SWSW (OWP) Adams County
# 319749 KOCH-62S65W 24NESE (OWP) Adams County
# 319752 BOX ELDER G-62S65W 24NENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319763 HANSON-62S64W 30SWSW (OWP) Adams County
# 319764 STATE-62S62W 30SWSW (OWP) Adams County
# 319766 EGAN STATE-62S65W 36NENE (OWP) Adams County
# 319771 MORAN-62S64W 30SWNE (OWP) Adams County
# 319774 LINNEBUR 41-19 (2-61)-62S61W 19NENE (OWP) Adams County
Wells Associated With Painted Pegasus Petroleum LLC
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-001-06072 JAN 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06084 DOUBLE BAR O 2-18 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06094 UPRR-SANDEN-EHN 1-17 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06115 UPRR-LINNEBUR 2-19 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06133 UPRR-EHN 12-17 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06142 UPRR-SANDEN-EHN 2-17 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06146 KUNCE 1-20 (OWP) Adams County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-001-06148 BAUGHMAN FARMS 2-31 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06156 UPRR-EHN 34-17 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06160 FRED JR. 41-22 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06169 PACKARD 41-22 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06170 EHN 3-20 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06171 EHN 4-20 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06177 RANDALL 41-10 (OWP) Adams County Producing
# 05-001-06194 UPRR-USX AM 19-16 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06250 UPRR 60 PAN AM A 1 (OWP) Adams County Producing
# 05-001-06273 HOSMER 14-34 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06276 UPRR-EHN 43-17 (OWP) Adams County Temporarily Abandoned
# 05-001-06408 VETTER 1-22 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06415 DOUBLE-USX ZM 17-11 (OWP) Adams County Producing
# 05-001-06453 FERGUSON 42-25 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06456 FERGUSON 2 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06568 LARSON 1-10 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06584 HABEL 4 (OWP) Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-06617 UPRR-WAILES 1-1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06656 KOCH 1 (OWP) Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-06662 BOX ELDER G 3 (OWP) Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-06693 HANSON 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06698 STATE 1-30 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-06705 EGAN STATE 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06717 MORAN 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06721 LINNEBUR 41-19 (2-61) 1 (OWP) Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-06724 STATE 2-30 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06773 CHAMPLIN-DANFORD 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06783 PUTNAM 41-18 (OWP) Adams County Producing
# 05-001-06912 PILAND 3 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06913 PILAND 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-06951 UPRR 23 PAN AM G 1 (OWP) Adams County Producing
# 05-001-06958 MARTIN 1 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-07100 GREENEMEIER 9-30 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-07184 CHAMPLIN 351 AM A 1 (OWP) Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-07192 CHAMPLIN 75 AMOCO G 1 (OWP) Adams County Producing
# 05-001-07198 UPRR 23 PAN AM H 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-07220 STATE 3-30 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-07224 CHAMPLIN 75 AMOCO H 1 (OWP) Adams County Producing
# 05-001-07235 CHAMPLIN 459 AMOCO 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-07277 CHAMPLIN 67 AMOCO G 1 (OWP) Adams County Shut In
# 05-001-07283 STATE 4-30 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-07292 UPRR 24 PAN AM B 1 (OWP) Adams County Producing
# 05-001-07295 UPRR 23 PAN AM 2 (OWP) Adams County Shut In