Par Pacific Holdings Inc Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Par Pacific Holdings Inc
Production Dates on File: January 1999 to April 2015

1 Currently Producing Leases

129 Total Leases

141 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Par Pacific Holdings Inc
Leases Associated With Par Pacific Holdings Inc
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location Oil Production Gas Production
# 312614 BUZZARD CREEK-69S93W 11SWSW Mesa County
# 313367 KAYAK FEDERAL-69N100W 12NESE Moffat County
# 316868 GYPSUM VALLEY FEDERAL-N44N17W 25SWSE San Miguel County
# 316869 GYPSUM VALLEY FEDERAL-N44N16W 31NWNW San Miguel County
# 317046 RADFORD-WARREN-62N49W 11SWNE Washington County
# 317049 STATE-63N50W 36NWNE Washington County
# 317376 THOMASON-63S49W 25SWSE Washington County
# 317386 HICKERT-63S49W 8SESE Washington County
# 317409 STATE-63S49W 16NESW Washington County
# 317452 HICKERT-62S49W 34NWSE Washington County
# 327424 SAWYER-GULLIKSEN-61N65W 32NESW Weld County
# 334486 NVega Pad 5A Mesa County
# 377173 AMPET/AMOCO-62S64W 9SESE Adams County
# 377184 HOSMER-61S64W 34NESE Adams County
# 391318 LITTLE ROCK-69S90W 18NENW Mesa County
# 400165 F-E-M INC-63S49W 20NWNE Washington County
# 401509 RADFORD-WARREN-62N49W 11SENW Washington County
# 402668 FRIEND STATE-63S50W 22SWNE Washington County
# 403985 CANNON-62N49W 24NENE Washington County
# 404472 STATE-63S50W 22SWNE Washington County
# 404484 HICKERT-63S49W 20NENE Washington County
# 404485 HICKERT-63S49W 7SWNE Washington County
# 404486 HICKERT-63S49W 7NWNE Washington County
# 404487 HICKERT-63S49W 8SWNW Washington County
# 404488 HICKERT-63S49W 6SESE Washington County
# 404489 HICKERT-63S49W 17SENW Washington County
# 404490 THOMASON-63S49W 25SESW Washington County
# 404491 THOMASON-63S49W 23NWNW Washington County
# 404492 HICKERT-63S49W 5SWSW Washington County
# 404493 THOMASON-63S49W 26NWNW Washington County
# 404494 THOMASON-63S49W 25NESW Washington County
# 404495 DAISY-63S49W 29NWNW Washington County
# 404496 DAISY-63S49W 29SENW Washington County
# 404497 DAISY-63S49W 27NENE Washington County
# 404498 THOMASON-63S49W 23SWNE Washington County
# 404499 DAISY-63S49W 29SESW Washington County
# 404500 DAISY-63S49W 29NWNE Washington County
# 404501 DAISY-63S49W 29SWNW Washington County
# 404503 FRIEND-64S51W 1NWNE Washington County
# 404504 FRIEND-64S50W 6NWSE Washington County
# 404506 DAISY-63S49W 30SWNE Washington County
# 404507 DAISY-63S49W 30SENE Washington County
# 404508 DAISY-63S49W 29SWNE Washington County
# 404509 DAISY-63S49W 28NENW Washington County
# 404510 DAISY-63S49W 28NWNW Washington County
# 404511 HICKERT-63S49W 17NWNE Washington County
# 404512 HICKERT-63S49W 19NESW Washington County
# 404513 HICKERT-63S49W 19SWSW Washington County
# 404514 HICKERT-63S49W 18NWNE Washington County
# 404515 DAISY-63S49W 30SWNW Washington County
Wells Associated With Par Pacific Holdings Inc
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-001-08865 AMPET/AMOCO 9-44 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-08887 HOSMER 34-43 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-077-08096 VEGA UNIT 1 Mesa County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-077-08625 BUZZARD CREEK 11-13 Mesa County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-077-08759 LITTLE ROCK 1-18 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-09442 NVEGA 26-444 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-09443 NVEGA 26-441 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-09451 NVEGA 26-234 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-09462 NVEGA 35-314 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-09513 NVEGA 24-111 Mesa County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-077-09700 NVEGA 21-334 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-09983 NVEGA 29-414 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-09987 NVEGA 29-422 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-10000 NVEGA 29-421 Mesa County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-07403 KAYAK FEDERAL 1 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-113-06221 GYPSUM VALLEY FEDERAL 25-34 San Miguel County Abandoned Location
# 05-113-06222 GYPSUM VALLEY FEDERAL 31-11 San Miguel County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-05552 F-E-M INC 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-07051 RADFORD-WARREN 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-07052 RADFORD-WARREN 1-B Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-07168 STATE 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-08599 FRIEND STATE 1 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10102 CANNON 4-24 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10698 STATE 32A-22 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10717 HICKERT 22D-8349 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10718 HICKERT 41C-20349 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10720 HICKERT 32C-7349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10721 HICKERT 31B-7349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10722 HICKERT 12B-8349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10723 HICKERT 44A-6349 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10724 HICKERT 22A-17349 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10725 THOMASON 24A-25349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10726 THOMASON 11B-23349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10727 HICKERT 14A-5349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10728 THOMASON 11-26349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10729 THOMASON 23A-25349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10730 DAISY 11A-29349 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10731 DAISY 22D-29349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10732 DAISY 41P-29349 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10733 DAISY 41C-27349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10734 THOMASON 32C-23349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10735 DAISY 24B - 29349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10736 DAISY 31B - 29349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10737 DAISY 12A - 29349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10739 FRIEND 31B-1451 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10740 FRIEND 33B-6450 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10744 DAISY 32-30349 Washington County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-121-10745 DAISY 42A-30349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10746 DAISY 32D-29349 Washington County Abandoned Location
# 05-121-10747 DAISY 21C-28349 Washington County Abandoned Location