Phillips Petroleum Co Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Phillips Petroleum Co
Production Dates on File: August 2000 to March 2003

110 Total Leases

114 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Phillips Petroleum Co
Leases Associated With Phillips Petroleum Co
Production Based on October 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 378772 PRAIRIE DOG-634S44W 32SWSW Baca County
# 380148 URBAN "A"-615S44W 6SESW Cheyenne County
# 380152 URBAN-A-615S44W 6SENW Cheyenne County
# 380153 BAUGHMAN-615S44W 6NWSW Cheyenne County
# 380182 NEAHRING AB-615S45W 12SENW Cheyenne County
# 380239 AKERS C-615S41W 7NENW Cheyenne County
# 380252 COLOCONN A-613S48W 1SENE Cheyenne County
# 380254 BLEKEBERG A-613S49W 31SWSE Cheyenne County
# 380322 BLEKEBERG B-614S49W 6NENE Cheyenne County
# 380328 MCCORMICK B-613S49W 34NWSW Cheyenne County
# 380329 MCCORMICK C-613S49W 34NWSE Cheyenne County
# 380396 BLEKEBERG A-613S49W 31SENE Cheyenne County
# 380423 BLEKEBERG A-613S49W 31SENW Cheyenne County
# 380453 PETERSON I-613S50W 25SESE Cheyenne County
# 380471 VASSIOS 'A'-613S50W 34SWNW Cheyenne County
# 380478 WILKERSON D-614S50W 1SENW Cheyenne County
# 380496 STATE W-613S48W 16NWSE Cheyenne County
# 380552 STATE-614S47W 16NWSE Cheyenne County
# 382297 NILES-616S65W 27NWNW El Paso County
# 384253 HARRY OWEN-617S48W 2SWSW Kiowa County
# 384618 MEEKS 'A'-618S45W 17NESW Kiowa County
# 384947 CODY-65.5S42W 34SENW Kit Carson County
# 385082 STATE-66S47W 22SENE Kit Carson County
# 385377 GOVT-N33N13W 9SWNW La Plata County
# 386380 DENTON B-630S55W 1NWNW Las Animas County
# 386381 COLORADO-629S54W 35NENW Las Animas County
# 386382 BARCLAY-629S51W 7NESW Las Animas County
# 387045 JACOBSON A-616S54W 2NWNE Lincoln County
# 387071 STATE V-616S54W 16SWNE Lincoln County
# 389612 SVACINA-68N54W 18NENW Logan County
# 390338 THORTON-A-67N54W 10NENE Logan County
# 390344 THORTON -A-67N54W 10SENE Logan County
# 390345 THORTON-A-67N54W 10SWNE Logan County
# 390863 PRAY-GOVT-68S98W 31SENE Mesa County
# 391609 MOFFAT A-611N93W 6NWSW Moffat County
# 392432 FEDERAL 23-12-89-612N89W 23NWNE Moffat County
# 392433 FEDERAL 26-12-89-612N89W 26SWSW Moffat County
# 392434 FEDERAL 26-12-89-612N89W 26NWSE Moffat County
# 392458 FEDERAL 26-12-89-612N89W 26NENW Moffat County
# 392459 FEDERAL 26-12-89-612N89W 26SWNW Moffat County
# 392460 FEDERAL 26-12-89-612N89W 26SESW Moffat County
# 392461 FEDERAL 26-12-89-612N89W 26NESW Moffat County
# 392462 MOFFAT 22-12-89-612N89W 22SESE Moffat County
# 392463 MOFFFAT 22-12-89-612N89W 22SENE Moffat County
# 392612 MESA A-N32N17W 1SWNE Montezuma County
# 392671 DESERT CANYON-N34N20W 11LOT 1 Montezuma County
# 392675 DESERT CANYON (UTE)-N34N20W 11NWNE Montezuma County
# 392863 UTE MOUNTAIN A-N33N20W 35NENE Montezuma County
# 393915 MCLAGAN-A-62N55W 21NENE Morgan County
# 393934 STATE M(K)-62N55W 16SESE Morgan County
Wells Associated With Phillips Petroleum Co
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-009-05024 PRAIRIE DOG 1 Baca County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06035 BAUGHMAN FARMS 1-6 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06038 BAUGHMAN "A" 1A Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06054 URBAN "A" 1-WD Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06058 URBAN-A 1A Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06059 BAUGHMAN A-2 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06089 NEAHRING AB 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06158 AKERS C 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06174 COLOCONN A 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06176 BLEKEBERG A 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06255 BLEKEBERG B 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06264 MCCORMICK B 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06265 MCCORMICK C 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06361 BLEKEBERG A 3 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06395 BLEKEBERG A 2 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06434 PETERSON I 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06456 VASSIOS 'A' 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06467 WILKERSON D 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06492 STATE W 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-017-06569 STATE 1 Cheyenne County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-041-05014 NILES 1 El Paso County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-061-06028 HARRY OWEN 1 Kiowa County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-061-06448 MEEKS 'A' 1 Kiowa County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-063-05039 CODY 1 Kit Carson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-063-06133 STATE T-1 Kit Carson County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-067-05480 GOVT 1 La Plata County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-071-06002 DENTON B 1 Las Animas County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-071-06003 COLORADO B-1 Las Animas County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-071-06004 BARCLAY A-1 Las Animas County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-073-06148 JACOBSON A 1 Lincoln County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-073-06178 STATE V 1 Lincoln County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-075-08239 SVACINA 1 Logan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-075-08999 THORTON-A 2 Logan County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-075-09005 THORTON -A 3 Logan County Abandoned Location
# 05-075-09006 THORTON-A 4 Logan County Abandoned Location
# 05-077-05114 PRAY-GOVT 1 Mesa County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05440 MOFFAT A 1-A Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06991 FEDERAL 23-12-89 1 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-06992 FEDERAL 26-12-89 3 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-06993 FEDERAL 26-12-89 2 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-07046 FEDERAL 26-12-89 6 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-07047 FEDERAL 26-12-89 5 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-07048 FEDERAL 26-12-89 7 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-07049 FEDERAL 26-12-89 4 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-07051 MOFFAT 22-12-89 1 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-07052 MOFFFAT 22-12-89 2 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-083-05072 MESA A 1 Montezuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-083-05135 DESERT CANYON 2 Montezuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-083-05140 DESERT CANYON (UTE) 3 Montezuma County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-083-06014 UTE MOUNTAIN A 1 Montezuma County Plugged and Abandoned