Questar Gas Company Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Questar Gas Company
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

44 Total Leases

45 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Questar Gas Company
Leases Associated With Questar Gas Company
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 382750 FAIRVIEW-67S92W 23SWSW Garfield County
# 391599 VERMILLION CREEK STATE LA-611N100W 16NWNW Moffat County
# 391601 SHELL CREEK GOVT-611N100W 12nwsw Moffat County
# 391602 SHELL CR GOVT-611N100W 11SENW Moffat County
# 391603 B W MUSSER 038749-611N97W 9SWNE Moffat County
# 391605 STATE LAND TR 38-611N100W 1SWNE Moffat County
# 391607 SHELL-GOVERNMENT-611N100W 1SWSW Moffat County
# 391610 GOVT 02981-611N101W 5NESW Moffat County
# 391611 POWDER WASH 3-1 Moffat County
# 391625 GOV-612N101W 34NESW Moffat County
# 391627 GOVT-612N101W 33SENE Moffat County
# 391631 ALLEN, C-612N97W 28SESW Moffat County
# 391635 JACKS DRAW GOV-612N97W Moffat County
# 391639 ACE UNIT-612N97W 28NWSE Moffat County
# 391640 LASHAR, W B-612N101W 25NESW Moffat County
# 391641 WHEELER, W M-612N100W 30NWNW Moffat County
# 391650 KUYKENDALL-612N100W 22NWSE Moffat County
# 391653 KUYKENDAHL-612N100W Moffat County
# 391680 FEDERAL UNIT 03527-612N97W 17NESW Moffat County
# 391696 GOV 0122876-610N101W 25NESE Moffat County
# 391711 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV-611N97W 15SWNW Moffat County
# 391719 SUGAR CANYON UNIT-GOV-612N101W 18SWSE Moffat County
# 391737 STATE-68N91W 16NWNW Moffat County
# 391740 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV-611N97W 2SWNE Moffat County
# 391763 COTTONWOOD GULCH UNIT WEL-68N91W 17NENW Moffat County
# 391767 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV-611N97W 3SESE Moffat County
# 391773 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV-611N97W 2SWSW Moffat County
# 391782 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV-611N97W 2NWNW Moffat County
# 391787 B W MUSSER-611N97W 9SWSW Moffat County
# 391800 SUGAR LOAF-612N101W 33SWNW Moffat County
# 391818 GREAT DIVIDE UNIT (FEE)-610N93W 17SENW Moffat County
# 391826 GREAT DIVIDE UNIT GOV-610N93W 30SWNE Moffat County
# 391828 FED WELL COLO-0102715-612N97W 15NENW Moffat County
# 391845 JACKS DRAW UNIT WELL-612N97W 21NENW Moffat County
# 391939 CHEROKEE TRAIL-612N97W 13NWNW Moffat County
# 392554 B W MUSSER GOV-611N97W 9SWSW Moffat County
# 392564 STATE LAND 37-12-100-612N100W 21SENE Moffat County
# 396749 PHILLIPS-62S104W 12CSE Rio Blanco County
# 396756 LOWER HORSE DRAW UNIT-62S103W 7SENW Rio Blanco County
# 397420 CATHEDRAL BLUFFS-64S100W 2SWNE Rio Blanco County
# 397547 RABBIT MOUNTAIN-62S103W 7NWNE Rio Blanco County
# 397559 MEEKER UNIT WELL-61N93W 6NWSW Rio Blanco County
# 399109 SOUTH DOUGLAS CREEK GOV-63S102W 27SENE Rio Blanco County
# 399111 GOV-64S102W Rio Blanco County
Wells Associated With Questar Gas Company
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-045-06078 FAIRVIEW 1 Garfield County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05421 VERMILLION CREEK STATE LA 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05423 SHELL CREEK GOVT 3 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05424 SHELL CR GOVT 2 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05426 B W MUSSER 038749 8 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05432 STATE LAND TR 38 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05435 SHELL-GOVERNMENT 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05443 GOVT 02981 5 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05446 ACE UNIT 4 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05476 GOV 11 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05482 GOVT 7 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05495 ALLEN, C 5 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05499 JACKS DRAW GOV 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05505 ACE UNIT 6 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05506 LASHAR, W B 3 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05511 WHEELER, W M 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05529 KUYKENDALL 4 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05535 KUYKENDAHL 5 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05589 FEDERAL UNIT 03527 2 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05675 GOV 0122876 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05702 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV 6 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-05718 SUGAR CANYON UNIT-GOV 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06007 STATE 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06011 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV 7 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06047 COTTONWOOD GULCH UNIT WEL 2 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06053 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV 10 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06063 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV 11 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06072 JACKS DRAW UNIT-GOV 12 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06082 B W MUSSER 12 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06100 SUGAR LOAF 13 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06124 GREAT DIVIDE UNIT (FEE) 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06133 GREAT DIVIDE UNIT GOV 2 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06137 FED WELL COLO-0102715 15-1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06168 JACKS DRAW UNIT WELL 14 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06222 J C DONNELL D-039907-B 13 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-06295 CHEROKEE TRAIL 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-081-40007 B W MUSSER GOV 12 Moffat County Abandoned Location
# 05-081-60043 STATE LAND 37-12-100 1 Moffat County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-05186 PHILLIPS G-2 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-05197 LOWER HORSE DRAW UNIT 13 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-07226 CATHEDRAL BLUFFS 1 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-07459 RABBIT MOUNTAIN 1 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-07483 MEEKER UNIT WELL 1 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-65325 SOUTH DOUGLAS CREEK GOV 1 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-103-65446 GOV 8 Rio Blanco County Plugged and Abandoned