Sinclair Oil & Gas Company Oil & Gas Wells in Colorado

Operator Summary
Operator Name: Sinclair Oil & Gas Company
Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available

113 Total Leases

114 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Sinclair Oil & Gas Company
Leases Associated With Sinclair Oil & Gas Company
Production Based on September 2024 Data
Lease # Lease Name Location
# 311762 MOSBARGER-63S60W 10SWNW Adams County
# 374789 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 27SWNE Adams County
# 374791 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 27SENE Adams County
# 374792 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 27SWNE Adams County
# 374799 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 27SWNE Adams County
# 374801 A B MITCHEM-62S57W 26SENW Adams County
# 374805 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 27NWNE Adams County
# 374807 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 27NENE Adams County
# 374814 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 27NWNE Adams County
# 374817 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 27NENE Adams County
# 374819 A B MITCHEM-62S57W 26NENW Adams County
# 374822 CLIFFORD CAUSEY-62S57W 23SWSE Adams County
# 374823 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 22SESE Adams County
# 374824 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 22SWSE Adams County
# 374826 CLIFFORD CAUSEY-62S57W 23SESE Adams County
# 374829 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 22SESW Adams County
# 374831 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 22SESE Adams County
# 374836 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 22NESE Adams County
# 374847 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 22NWSE Adams County
# 374849 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT-62S57W 22NESE Adams County
# 374851 SIDNEY CAUSEY-62S57W 22NWSW Adams County
# 374858 EARL N JOHNSON-62S57W 22SWNW Adams County
# 374862 CLIFFORD CAUSEY-62S57W 23SWNE Adams County
# 374865 CLIFFORD CAUSEY-62S57W 23SENE Adams County
# 374870 CLIFFORD CAUSEY-62S57W 23SENE Adams County
# 374872 CLIFFORD CAUSEY-62S57W 23SWNE Adams County
# 374874 EARL JOHNSON-62S57W 22NENW Adams County
# 374900 JOHN J SHEA-62S57W 14SWSE Adams County
# 374901 SIDNEY GRACE CAUSEY-62S57W 14SWSW Adams County
# 374906 JOHN J SHEA-62S57W 14NWSE Adams County
# 374908 SIDNEY GRACE CAUSEY-62S57W 15NESW Adams County
# 374911 JOHN J SHEA-62S57W 14NESE Adams County
# 375080 MICHEL-61S58W 18NENE Adams County
# 375130 SCHICK-61S58W 2NESE Adams County
# 375189 SIDNEY-GRACE CAUSEY-62S57W 11SESW Adams County
# 377506 F A BARNEY-65S61W 32NENW Arapahoe County
# 377508 DAVID WALKER-65S61W 34NWNW Arapahoe County
# 377514 MARY LUDWICK-65S60W 28NENE Arapahoe County
# 377518 DETER-65S59W 22NENE Arapahoe County
# 377526 LEONARD GERSTENBERGER-65S59W 8NENE Arapahoe County
# 377527 JAMES F JOHNSON-65S60W 6SWSW Arapahoe County
# 377528 GEORGE M DAVIES-65S60W 4SWSE Arapahoe County
# 377540 FLORENCE MERTEN-64S61W 24SENE Arapahoe County
# 377543 STATE-ARAPAHOE-64S57W 16SWSW Arapahoe County
# 377550 UNION PACIFIC-64S58W 11SWNW Arapahoe County
# 381515 GLADE CANYON UNIT-N40N17W 13NENE Dolores County
# 381663 J E TAYLOR-68S63W 13NESW Elbert County
# 381679 GEORGE J EHMANN-66S60W 30NWNW Elbert County
# 381680 GEO W H JOHNSON-66S60W 26NWNW Elbert County
# 381681 TOM O BRADBURY-66S61W 28NENE Elbert County
Wells Associated With Sinclair Oil & Gas Company
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Location Status
# 05-001-05071 MOSBARGER 1 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05192 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-15 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05196 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT 15 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05197 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-14 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05205 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-16 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05207 A B MITCHEM 2 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05212 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-13 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05214 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT 13 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05221 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT 18 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05224 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-12 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05226 A B MITCHEM 1 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05231 CLIFFORD CAUSEY 21 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05232 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-11 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05233 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT 11 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05235 CLIFFORD CAUSEY 22 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05238 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-9 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05240 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-10 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05247 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT 9 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05258 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT W-8 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05260 CAUSEY D SAND UNIT 8 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05262 SIDNEY CAUSEY 1 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05269 EARL N JOHNSON 1 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05273 CLIFFORD CAUSEY 4 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05276 CLIFFORD CAUSEY 11 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05282 CLIFFORD CAUSEY 6 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05284 CLIFFORD CAUSEY 10 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05287 EARL JOHNSON 4 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05319 JOHN J SHEA 6 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05320 SIDNEY GRACE CAUSEY 13 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05325 JOHN J SHEA 9 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05327 SIDNEY GRACE CAUSEY 8 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05331 JOHN J SHEA 1 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05511 MICHEL 1 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05568 SCHICK 1 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-001-05680 SIDNEY-GRACE CAUSEY 15 Adams County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05002 F A BARNEY 2 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05004 DAVID WALKER 1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05010 MARY LUDWICK 1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05017 DETER 1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05027 LEONARD GERSTENBERGER 1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05028 JAMES F JOHNSON 1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05029 GEORGE M DAVIES 1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05047 FLORENCE MERTEN 1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05050 STATE-ARAPAHOE 63-1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-005-05059 UNION PACIFIC 1 Arapahoe County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-033-05007 GLADE CANYON UNIT 1 Dolores County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-039-05017 J E TAYLOR 1 Elbert County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-039-05036 GEORGE J EHMANN 2 Elbert County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-039-05037 GEO W H JOHNSON 1 Elbert County Plugged and Abandoned
# 05-039-05038 TOM O BRADBURY 1 Elbert County Plugged and Abandoned