Oil and Gas Leases in Phillips County, CO

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Phillips County, CO Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Phillips County, CO
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Beal Federal 843-5-13 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Blochowitz 843-6-14-L14 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Blochowitz 843-6-23 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Blochowitz 843-6-24 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Brinkema 843-3-12-L12 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Brinkema 843-4-12-L12 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Brinkema 843-4-42-L9 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Brinkema 943-31-34 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Brinkema 943-31-44 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Brinkema 943-32-41 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Brinkema-68N43W 3nenw (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-12-L12 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-12-L5 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-21-L6 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-22-L11 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-31-L7 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-32-L10 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-33 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-41-L8 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-42-L9 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Claymon 843-6-44 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Crowder 943-31-14 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Davis-67N45W 13swne (Owp) Phillips County, CO OMIMEX PETROLEUM INC
Denney State 3-36-7-45 (Owp) Phillips County, CO OMIMEX PETROLEUM INC
Denney State 5-36-7-45 (Owp) Phillips County, CO OMIMEX PETROLEUM INC
Dirks 843-18-33 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 843-3-21-L6 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 843-3-31-L7 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 843-3-32-L10 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 843-3-41-L1 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 844-1-11-L4 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 844-1-11-L5 Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 943-22-21 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 943-22-22 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 943-22-31 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 943-22-32 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 943-22-42 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 943-28-14 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks 943-28-24 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Dirks-69N43W 22SWNW (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Double W Dairy-67N45W 24sese (Owp) Phillips County, CO OMIMEX PETROLEUM INC
Einspahr 843-15-24 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Einspahr 944-35-14 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Enninga 943-21-23 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Enninga-69N43W 21NWSW (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Enninga-69N43W 21SWSW (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Ferguson-66N46W 26nene Phillips County, CO OWN RESOURCES OPERATING LLC
Flatland 844-10-31 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Flatland 844-10-32 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC
Flatland 844-11-22 (Owp) Phillips County, CO WME YATES LLC