Coors Energy 25-Swse

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Coors Energy 25-Swse
Operator: PDC Energy Inc
County: Weld County, CO
Production Dates on File: July 2011 to August 2021

7 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Coors Energy 25-Swse
Wells Associated With Coors Energy 25-Swse
Production Based on October 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 05-123-32181 Coors Energy 25D Abandoned Location 0000-00-00
# 05-123-32173 Coors Energy 25TD Plugged and Abandoned 2011-08-22
# 05-123-32200 COORS ENERGY 25XD Plugged and Abandoned 2011-08-07
# 05-123-32195 Coors Energy 25YD Plugged and Abandoned 2011-08-17
# 05-123-32171 Coors Energy 33-25D Plugged and Abandoned 2011-07-26
# 05-123-32199 Coors Energy 43-25D Plugged and Abandoned 2011-08-01
# 05-123-32167 Coors Energy 44-25D Plugged and Abandoned 2011-08-12
Leases Near Coors Energy 25-Swse
Operators in the Area