Onion-Berg-Gourd Pad

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Onion-Berg-Gourd Pad
Operator: Verdad Resources LLC
County: Weld County, CO
Production Dates on File: May 2022 to August 2024

24 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Onion-Berg-Gourd Pad
Wells Associated With Onion-Berg-Gourd Pad
Production Based on September 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 05-123-51421 Chive 2536-10H Producing 2023-07-17
# 05-123-51422 Chive 2536-11H Producing 2023-07-18
# 05-123-51423 Chive 2536-12H Producing 2023-09-26
# 05-123-51424 Chive 2536-13H Producing 2023-10-03
# 05-123-51425 Chive 2536-14H Producing 2023-10-08
# 05-123-51426 Chive 2536-15H Producing 2023-10-14
# 05-123-51427 Chive 2536-16H Producing 2023-10-19
# 05-123-51428 Chive 2536-17H Producing 2023-10-25
# 05-123-51230 Onion 1907-01H Producing 2022-05-14
# 05-123-51238 Onion 1907-02H Producing 2022-05-13
# 05-123-51239 Onion 1907-03H Producing 2022-05-12
# 05-123-51233 Onion 1907-04H Producing 2022-05-11
# 05-123-51234 Onion 1907-05H Producing 2022-05-10
# 05-123-51231 Onion 1907-06H Producing 2022-05-08
# 05-123-51236 Onion 1907-07H Producing 2022-05-07
# 05-123-51235 Onion 1907-08H Producing 2022-05-06
# 05-123-51237 Onion 1907-09H Producing 2022-05-05
# 05-123-51429 Shallot 1930-18H Producing 2023-10-30
# 05-123-51430 Shallot 1930-19H Producing 2023-11-04
# 05-123-51431 Shallot 1930-20H Producing 2023-11-09
# 05-123-51432 Shallot 1930-21H Producing 2023-11-13
# 05-123-51232 Shallot 1930-22H Producing 2023-11-18
# 05-123-51240 Shallot 1930-23H Producing 2023-11-22
# 05-123-51229 Shallot 1930-24H Producing 2023-11-26
Leases Near Onion-Berg-Gourd Pad
Operators in the Area