Lease Summary Lease Name: Baker Operator: Layton Oil Compa County: Allen County, KS Production Dates on File: August 1980 to May 1981
Production By Month For Baker Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Baker oil and gas production between February 1981 and February 1981
Leases Near Baker Beeman,K.R.32-1 Lease Daniels Garry Lease Dietrich Lease Farmer D Lease Hauser Allen L Lease J. Jarred Lease Jarred South Lease Manahan,C. 33-1 Lease Pool, W. Eugene 33-2 Lease Pool,W.E. 33-1 Lease Pool,W.E. 33-2 Lease Roehl Lease Townsend Lease Whitaker 'A' Lease Whitaker Harold D Lease
Leases Near Baker Beeman,K.R.32-1 Lease Daniels Garry Lease Dietrich Lease Farmer D Lease Hauser Allen L Lease J. Jarred Lease Jarred South Lease Manahan,C. 33-1 Lease Pool, W. Eugene 33-2 Lease Pool,W.E. 33-1 Lease Pool,W.E. 33-2 Lease Roehl Lease Townsend Lease Whitaker 'A' Lease Whitaker Harold D Lease
Operators in the Area Birk Petroleum Davis, Michael G. Eads Operating C Eagle Resources Galemore Oil Com Kansas Oil Company Markan Oil Incor Maxam Incorporat Petro American I Postrock Midcontinent Production LLC River Rock Operating, LLC T.C. Productions Whitaker Harold White Gas & Oil Willis Energy
Operators in the Area Birk Petroleum Davis, Michael G. Eads Operating C Eagle Resources Galemore Oil Com Kansas Oil Company Markan Oil Incor Maxam Incorporat Petro American I Postrock Midcontinent Production LLC River Rock Operating, LLC T.C. Productions Whitaker Harold White Gas & Oil Willis Energy