Lease Summary Lease Name: Colbertson Lloyd Operator: Unknown County: Allen County, KS Production Dates on File: August 1987 to August 1987
Production By Month For Colbertson Lloyd Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Colbertson Lloyd oil and gas production between August 1987 and August 1987
Leases Near Colbertson Lloyd Bunch Lease Burris L.J. Lease Eula Leslie Lease Harold L Sincla Lease Higginbotham Lease Iola Industries Lease JW-JW Real Estate Lease Kansas Waste CR Lease Leo T. Folk Lease McAloon Lease Morlan Lease Porter Lease Smith Clara Lease Sutterby Merle Lease Wade Lease
Leases Near Colbertson Lloyd Bunch Lease Burris L.J. Lease Eula Leslie Lease Harold L Sincla Lease Higginbotham Lease Iola Industries Lease JW-JW Real Estate Lease Kansas Waste CR Lease Leo T. Folk Lease McAloon Lease Morlan Lease Porter Lease Smith Clara Lease Sutterby Merle Lease Wade Lease
Operators in the Area 4-W Oil Company Brown Jack Edwar Bruenger, Vern Burris Ronald Oi C & S Well Servi Folk, John R.(Deceased) Landowner Layton Oil Compa Leslie, Eula MSG Resources Inc. N & B Enterprises, Inc. Parrish Corporat RL Oil & Gas, LLC Thompson Oil Co Webster Luther
Operators in the Area 4-W Oil Company Brown Jack Edwar Bruenger, Vern Burris Ronald Oi C & S Well Servi Folk, John R.(Deceased) Landowner Layton Oil Compa Leslie, Eula MSG Resources Inc. N & B Enterprises, Inc. Parrish Corporat RL Oil & Gas, LLC Thompson Oil Co Webster Luther