Lease Summary Lease Name: Jackson O C Operator: Midnight Well Service County: Allen County, KS Production Dates on File: February 1980 to June 1990
Production By Month For Jackson O C Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Jackson O C oil and gas production between February 1980 and June 1990
Leases Near Jackson O C Clifton Jackson Lease Conrad Jkson E Lease Hale R V (2) Lease Jackson Conrad Lease Jackson(Brian C Lease Lloyd 'A' Lease Marvin Sander Lease Nelson Lease Nelson Don Lease Parrott Lease Schober-Venstrom Lease Vanetta Rex Lease Williams H A Lease Williams H A Lease Williams H A 'B' Lease
Leases Near Jackson O C Clifton Jackson Lease Conrad Jkson E Lease Hale R V (2) Lease Jackson Conrad Lease Jackson(Brian C Lease Lloyd 'A' Lease Marvin Sander Lease Nelson Lease Nelson Don Lease Parrott Lease Schober-Venstrom Lease Vanetta Rex Lease Williams H A Lease Williams H A Lease Williams H A 'B' Lease
Operators in the Area A & A Well Service A X & P, Inc. Ace Energy LLC Axiom Enterprises Bauer Oil Investment, LLC Cherokee Valley Production Company, Inc. D.K. Oil Co. Daniels Petroleu Gumfory, Shawn Haas, Mark L. Hansen Oil Company Jackson, Brian & Janet Marshall, Lew L.(Deceased) Norstar Petroleu Wintershall Oil
Operators in the Area A & A Well Service A X & P, Inc. Ace Energy LLC Axiom Enterprises Bauer Oil Investment, LLC Cherokee Valley Production Company, Inc. D.K. Oil Co. Daniels Petroleu Gumfory, Shawn Haas, Mark L. Hansen Oil Company Jackson, Brian & Janet Marshall, Lew L.(Deceased) Norstar Petroleu Wintershall Oil