Lease Summary Lease Name: Klotzbach Stephen Operator: Leis, VIctor J. County: Allen County, KS Production Dates on File: November 1984 to November 1984
Production By Month For Klotzbach Stephen Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Klotzbach Stephen oil and gas production between November 1984 and November 1984
Leases Near Klotzbach Stephen Churchill 'A' Lease Churchill Alvis 'B' Lease Combes Wayne Lease Croisant Art Lease Croisant John Lease Dorrall Jarred Lease Dudley Lease Garvie Lease Jarred Lease Lassman Lease Lassman Lease Lassman-MJC Lease Regier-Setter Lease Setter Klotzbac Lease Stoll Marion Lease
Leases Near Klotzbach Stephen Churchill 'A' Lease Churchill Alvis 'B' Lease Combes Wayne Lease Croisant Art Lease Croisant John Lease Dorrall Jarred Lease Dudley Lease Garvie Lease Jarred Lease Lassman Lease Lassman Lease Lassman-MJC Lease Regier-Setter Lease Setter Klotzbac Lease Stoll Marion Lease
Operators in the Area Alco Drilling Co Birk Petroleum Black Diamond Oi Davis, Michael G. Don Erbert Oil Company Eagle Resources Erbert Don Oil C Inferno Energy McFadden Oil Co. Micro Oil, LLC NC Oil Company, Inc. Owens Oil Tri-L Oil Co. Unknown Yocham Oil Company
Operators in the Area Alco Drilling Co Birk Petroleum Black Diamond Oi Davis, Michael G. Don Erbert Oil Company Eagle Resources Erbert Don Oil C Inferno Energy McFadden Oil Co. Micro Oil, LLC NC Oil Company, Inc. Owens Oil Tri-L Oil Co. Unknown Yocham Oil Company