Lease Summary Lease Name: John Spanier Operator: Four-Way Operating, Inc. County: Barton County, KS Production Dates on File: February 1980 to July 1996
Production By Month For John Spanier Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to John Spanier oil and gas production between February 1980 and July 1996
Leases Near John Spanier Brining Lease Brining J B Lease Isern Lease Malone Lease Malone Lease Nicholas Lease Panning Lease Panning Lease Panning B Lease Panning B-18 Lease Panning F Lease Spanier John 'B' Lease Steckel Lease Steckel Meda B Lease Stuckleman Gus 'A B' Lease
Leases Near John Spanier Brining Lease Brining J B Lease Isern Lease Malone Lease Malone Lease Nicholas Lease Panning Lease Panning Lease Panning B Lease Panning B-18 Lease Panning F Lease Spanier John 'B' Lease Steckel Lease Steckel Meda B Lease Stuckleman Gus 'A B' Lease
Operators in the Area American Warrior, Inc. Derrick-Amer Oil Geoson Oil Compa H & B Petroleum Corp. Hallwood Petrole Hallwood Petroleum, Inc. K & N Petroleum, Inc. K.C. Operations Kodiak Petroleum, Inc. Mar-Lou Oil Co., LLC Popp Operating, Inc. R J Operating Co. Smith Oil Operations Te-Pe Oil & Gas Younger Energy Company
Operators in the Area American Warrior, Inc. Derrick-Amer Oil Geoson Oil Compa H & B Petroleum Corp. Hallwood Petrole Hallwood Petroleum, Inc. K & N Petroleum, Inc. K.C. Operations Kodiak Petroleum, Inc. Mar-Lou Oil Co., LLC Popp Operating, Inc. R J Operating Co. Smith Oil Operations Te-Pe Oil & Gas Younger Energy Company