Lease Summary Lease Name: Russell Operator: Four-Way Oper In County: Barton County, KS Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available
Leases Near Russell Esmiller 1-36 Lease Grunwald Lease Grunwald Lease Grunwald Lease Herren Lease Herren Lease Kent Lease Kent Lease Russell Lease Russell Lease Russell Lease Russell Lease Russell Lease Thies Lease Thies #1 Lease
Leases Near Russell Esmiller 1-36 Lease Grunwald Lease Grunwald Lease Grunwald Lease Herren Lease Herren Lease Kent Lease Kent Lease Russell Lease Russell Lease Russell Lease Russell Lease Russell Lease Thies Lease Thies #1 Lease
Operators in the Area Chapman Explorat Charter Energy, Inc. Edison Operating Company LLC Energy Explorati F. G. Holl Company L.L.C. Hutchinson Oil C Hutchinson Oil Co. L. D. Drilling, Inc. Papay Emit Leama Rockhold Engr In Stratakan Exploration, LLC Tomkat, LTD. Tri-J Tubulars, Inc. Vamco Operations Williamson Drill
Operators in the Area Chapman Explorat Charter Energy, Inc. Edison Operating Company LLC Energy Explorati F. G. Holl Company L.L.C. Hutchinson Oil C Hutchinson Oil Co. L. D. Drilling, Inc. Papay Emit Leama Rockhold Engr In Stratakan Exploration, LLC Tomkat, LTD. Tri-J Tubulars, Inc. Vamco Operations Williamson Drill