Lease Summary
Lease Name: FT. Scott
Operator: Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
County: Bourbon County, KS
Production Dates on File: August 2005 to July 2012

11 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with FT. Scott
Wells Associated With FT. Scott
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-011-23217 BECK 14-19 Plugged and Abandoned 2007-09-10 2007-09-13
# 15-011-22980 BRAUN 1-34 Approved for Plugging - CP-1 Re 2004-07-21 2004-11-01
# 15-011-23247 Gross 15-31 Plugged and Abandoned 2007-04-18 2007-05-29
# 15-011-23107 Gross 16-31 Plugged and Abandoned 2005-08-30 2005-09-02
# 15-011-23246 Gross 9-31 Plugged and Abandoned 2007-04-17 2007-04-20
# 15-011-22993 Harvey 2-7 Plugged and Abandoned 2004-07-01 2004-11-01
# 15-011-23109 HOENER 12-5 Plugged and Abandoned 2005-08-19 2005-08-24
# 15-011-23035 MIX 4-5 Plugged and Abandoned 2005-01-17 2005-03-14
# 15-011-23324 WADE 16-30 Inactive Well 2007-10-02 2008-12-12
# 15-011-23244 WUNDERLY 5-26 Approved for Plugging - CP-1 Re 2007-03-30 2007-05-30
# 15-011-23245 WUNDERLY 6-26 Plugged and Abandoned 2007-04-06 2007-05-29