Lease Summary Lease Name: Schaff 16-15CBM Operator: Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. County: Bourbon County, KS Production Dates on File: April 2009 to March 2010
Production By Month For Schaff 16-15CBM Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Schaff 16-15CBM oil and gas production between April 2009 and February 2010
Leases Near Schaff 16-15CBM Charlie Griffith Lease Crays 2-22 Lease Crays 7-22 Lease Devon Project Lease Oscar Youngren Lease Schaaf 14,15 Lease Schaaf 7-15-CBM Lease Schaff 11-15 Lease Schaff 12-14 Lease Schaff 14-15 Lease Schaff 15-15 Lease Schaff 7-15 CBM Lease Smith 6-22 Lease Youngren 1-15 Lease Youngren 12-15 Lease
Leases Near Schaff 16-15CBM Charlie Griffith Lease Crays 2-22 Lease Crays 7-22 Lease Devon Project Lease Oscar Youngren Lease Schaaf 14,15 Lease Schaaf 7-15-CBM Lease Schaff 11-15 Lease Schaff 12-14 Lease Schaff 14-15 Lease Schaff 15-15 Lease Schaff 7-15 CBM Lease Smith 6-22 Lease Youngren 1-15 Lease Youngren 12-15 Lease
Operators in the Area Admiral Bay (USA) Inc. American Shallow Coalbed Technology, LLC Exodus Gas & Oil LLC Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC Jaj, LLC Jayhawk Energy Inc. Petro Valley Ser Younggren, Mike B.
Operators in the Area Admiral Bay (USA) Inc. American Shallow Coalbed Technology, LLC Exodus Gas & Oil LLC Fort Scott Methane Partners, LCC Jaj, LLC Jayhawk Energy Inc. Petro Valley Ser Younggren, Mike B.