Lease Summary
Lease Name: Smith
Operator: A & A Well Service
County: Bourbon County, KS
Production Dates on File: January 1987 to July 2024

30 Total Wells

118 Barrels of Oil Produced in Jul 2024

Map of Wells Associated with Smith
Wells Associated With Smith
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-011-21567 JOSEPH A SMITH 10 Cancelled API Number 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-011-21582 JOSEPH A SMITH 9 Cancelled API Number 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-011-21257 JOSEPH A. SMITH 1 Producing 1981-09-08 1981-10-08
# 15-011-22833 JOSEPH A. SMITH 1-94 Inactive Well 1994-01-21 1994-01-27
# 15-011-22864 JOSEPH A. SMITH 1-94 Producing 1995-01-25 1995-02-07
# 15-011-21584 JOSEPH A. SMITH 10 Inactive Well 1982-01-18 1982-06-28
# 15-011-21600 JOSEPH A. SMITH 11 Inactive Well 1982-01-19 1982-03-30
# 15-011-21601 JOSEPH A. SMITH 12 Inactive Well 1982-01-20 1982-02-08
# 15-011-21622 JOSEPH A. SMITH 13 Producing 1982-03-22 1982-03-30
# 15-011-21623 JOSEPH A. SMITH 14 Inactive Well 1982-03-23 1982-09-15
# 15-011-22692 JOSEPH A. SMITH 15 Producing 1990-02-07 1990-02-20
# 15-011-21258 JOSEPH A. SMITH 2 Inactive Well 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-011-22835 JOSEPH A. SMITH 2-94 Producing 1994-02-07 1994-02-17
# 15-011-22838 JOSEPH A. SMITH 3-94 Producing 1994-03-06 1994-03-08
# 15-011-21478 JOSEPH A. SMITH 4 Inactive Well 1981-10-25 1982-09-15
# 15-011-22842 JOSEPH A. SMITH 4-94 Producing 1994-03-09 1994-03-14
# 15-011-21481 JOSEPH A. SMITH 5 Inactive Well 1981-10-28 1981-11-11
# 15-011-21482 JOSEPH A. SMITH 6 Inactive Well 1981-12-04 1982-01-21
# 15-011-21858 JOSEPH A. SMITH 63 Producing 1983-02-14 1983-02-23
# 15-011-21868 JOSEPH A. SMITH 67 Inactive Well 1983-02-21 1983-02-28
# 15-011-21871 JOSEPH A. SMITH 68 Inactive Well 1983-02-23 1983-02-28
# 15-011-21483 JOSEPH A. SMITH 7 Inactive Well 0000-00-00 1981-11-11
# 15-011-21484 JOSEPH A. SMITH 8 Converted to EOR Well 1981-12-03 1982-03-30
# 15-011-21583 JOSEPH A. SMITH 9 Converted to EOR Well 1982-01-14 1982-03-29
# 15-011-22698 JOSEPTH A. SMITH 16 Producing 1990-04-18 0000-00-00
# 15-011-22870 SMITH 1-97 Producing 1996-12-16 0000-00-00
# 15-011-24370 Smith 1_13 Producing 2013-11-14 2014-02-28
# 15-011-24371 Smith 2_13 Producing 2013-11-11 2014-02-28
# 15-011-24609 SMITH 3-18 Producing 2018-12-07 2018-12-10
# 15-011-24610 SMITH 4-18 Producing 2018-12-19 2018-12-21