Lease Summary Lease Name: Parks Operator: Jones & Buck Development, LLC County: Chautauqua County, KS Production Dates on File: January 1997 to January 1997
Production By Month For Parks Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Parks oil and gas production between January 1997 and January 1997
Leases Near Parks Bowman Lse Lease Davison Lease Ecker Lease Ellexson Jere Lease Hann Ernest H Lease Hatfield Storag Lease O. K. Spurlock Lease Parker Lease Parks Lse Lease Sperlock Hatfi Lease Spurlock Lease Troyer Lease Wemmer Lease Wemmer 100 Lease Wilson Lease
Leases Near Parks Bowman Lse Lease Davison Lease Ecker Lease Ellexson Jere Lease Hann Ernest H Lease Hatfield Storag Lease O. K. Spurlock Lease Parker Lease Parks Lse Lease Sperlock Hatfi Lease Spurlock Lease Troyer Lease Wemmer Lease Wemmer 100 Lease Wilson Lease
Operators in the Area Can-American Petroleum, Inc. Copperhead Creek Enterprises, Inc. Custer, Bill I. Denman J M Oil C Essex Resources, LLC H & S Oil Compan Hessert Edward C John M. Denman Oil Co., Inc. Kansas Energy Company, L.L.C. Leonard, Daniel M. Reata Petroleum LLC Trover Stan Webco Oil And Gas Company Wolfe, Jimmy Ray, Deceased Wolfe, Ray
Operators in the Area Can-American Petroleum, Inc. Copperhead Creek Enterprises, Inc. Custer, Bill I. Denman J M Oil C Essex Resources, LLC H & S Oil Compan Hessert Edward C John M. Denman Oil Co., Inc. Kansas Energy Company, L.L.C. Leonard, Daniel M. Reata Petroleum LLC Trover Stan Webco Oil And Gas Company Wolfe, Jimmy Ray, Deceased Wolfe, Ray