Lease Summary Lease Name: Wheeler Operator: Judy Company, Inc. County: Chautauqua County, KS Production Dates on File: August 1984 to April 1986
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Leases Near Wheeler C. W. Day Lease Day Lease Day Lease Day Lease Day Lease Day Lease Day C W Lease Gray Lease Gray Lease Gray Lease Gray Lease J & J Lease T-Bone Lease T-Bone Lease Wheeler Lease
Leases Near Wheeler C. W. Day Lease Day Lease Day Lease Day Lease Day Lease Day Lease Day C W Lease Gray Lease Gray Lease Gray Lease Gray Lease J & J Lease T-Bone Lease T-Bone Lease Wheeler Lease
Operators in the Area Arendale Oil & G C5 Energy LLC Calgary Energy, LLC Chautauqua Oil And Gas LLC Jones Lee R Jr O Jones Oil Exploration, LLC Marco Oil Compan Perkins, A. E. Quito, Inc. Robinson, Beryl A. Sawdust Oil Comp Sedan State Bank Sterling Oil & G T & T Developmen Witcraft, Jimmy D.
Operators in the Area Arendale Oil & G C5 Energy LLC Calgary Energy, LLC Chautauqua Oil And Gas LLC Jones Lee R Jr O Jones Oil Exploration, LLC Marco Oil Compan Perkins, A. E. Quito, Inc. Robinson, Beryl A. Sawdust Oil Comp Sedan State Bank Sterling Oil & G T & T Developmen Witcraft, Jimmy D.