Amerschack 2

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Amerschack 2
Operator: Sotta, Donald E.
County: Crawford County, KS
Production Dates on File: July 2011 to October 2023

13 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Amerschack 2
Wells Associated With Amerschack 2
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-037-22074 AMERSHEK 4 Producing 2008-12-02 2008-12-31
# 15-037-22143 Amershek II 1-A Producing 2011-03-17 2011-04-06
# 15-037-22144 Amershek II 1-B Producing 2011-03-16 2011-04-07
# 15-037-22147 Amershek II 2-A Producing 2011-03-18 2011-04-06
# 15-037-22148 Amershek II 2-B Producing 2011-03-22 2011-04-07
# 15-037-22151 Amershek II 3-A Producing 2011-03-21 2011-04-06
# 15-037-22152 Amershek II 3-B Producing 2011-04-11 2011-04-21
# 15-037-22163 Amershek II 4-A Producing 2011-03-23 2011-04-06
# 15-037-22164 Amershek II 4-B Producing 2011-03-24 2011-04-07
# 15-037-22155 Amershek II INJ 1 BA Authorized Injection Well 2011-03-25 2011-04-21
# 15-037-22158 Amershek II INJ 2 BA Authorized Injection Well 2011-04-08 2011-04-21
# 15-037-22159 Amershek II INJ 3 BA Authorized Injection Well 2011-04-09 2011-04-21
# 15-037-22167 Amershek II WSW #1 Producing 2011-03-11 2011-03-23