Neis Harold

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Neis Harold
Operator: Rolex Incorporat
County: Douglas County, KS
Production Dates on File: July 1985 to August 1986

15 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Neis Harold
Wells Associated With Neis Harold
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-045-20367 HAROLD NEIS 1 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1983-06-30 1983-09-02
# 15-045-20678 HAROLD NEIS 1 ON LIST 1984-09-08 1985-01-01
# 15-045-20694 HAROLD NEIS 10 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-10-25 1985-01-01
# 15-045-20695 HAROLD NEIS 11 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-11-18 1985-01-01
# 15-045-20739 HAROLD NEIS 12 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-11-25 1985-01-01
# 15-045-20592 HAROLD NEIS 2 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-09-11 1984-09-24
# 15-045-20590 HAROLD NEIS 3 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-045-20591 HAROLD NEIS 4 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-09-13 1984-09-24
# 15-045-20679 HAROLD NEIS 5 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-09-18 1985-01-01
# 15-045-20680 HAROLD NEIS 6 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-09-18 1984-09-24
# 15-045-20692 HAROLD NEIS 7 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-10-01 1985-03-21
# 15-045-20691 HAROLD NEIS 8 Approved Intent to Drill 1985-04-17 1985-06-18
# 15-045-20693 HAROLD NEIS 9 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 1984-10-22 1984-11-13
# 15-045-20687 HAROLD NEIS A-1 KCC Fee Fund Plugging 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-045-20788 HAROLD NEIS I-1 ON LIST 1985-04-22 1985-07-10