Lease Summary Lease Name: Kelley Gene Operator: Unknown County: Elk County, KS Production Dates on File: January 1981 to March 1982
Production By Month For Kelley Gene Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Kelley Gene oil and gas production between January 1981 and March 1982
Leases Near Kelley Gene Bretcourt Dev Lease Chaffin Lease Clark A-B Lease Cummings Lease Durbin Lease Karr Lease Karr Lease Leffingwell Lease Mills Lease Steadman Lease T & R Tank Bott Lease Walker Lease Walker John D Lease Walker Phillip Lease Webb Frank Lease
Leases Near Kelley Gene Bretcourt Dev Lease Chaffin Lease Clark A-B Lease Cummings Lease Durbin Lease Karr Lease Karr Lease Leffingwell Lease Mills Lease Steadman Lease T & R Tank Bott Lease Walker Lease Walker John D Lease Walker Phillip Lease Webb Frank Lease
Operators in the Area Abderhalden, R. R. Brolen Resources, Inc. Conner, Rick Dixon, Mike Dixon, Robin Francine Hopkins, George Allen L H Energy Incor Patteson Brother Patteson, Thomas Wade Phil Groves Oil T & R Oil Company, A General Partnership Tomlinson Oil Co Tomlinson Oil Co., Inc. Well Tech Oil And Gas, Inc. Z & L Oil LLC
Operators in the Area Abderhalden, R. R. Brolen Resources, Inc. Conner, Rick Dixon, Mike Dixon, Robin Francine Hopkins, George Allen L H Energy Incor Patteson Brother Patteson, Thomas Wade Phil Groves Oil T & R Oil Company, A General Partnership Tomlinson Oil Co Tomlinson Oil Co., Inc. Well Tech Oil And Gas, Inc. Z & L Oil LLC