Lease Summary Lease Name: Oswald L J (C) Operator: Hall J J Oper Co County: Ellis County, KS Production Dates on File: No Production Data Available
Leases Near Oswald L J (C) Dickinson A Lease Dreiling A Lease Hall 11-1 Lease Ladd-Hickey Lease Oswald Lease Oswald 'A' Lease Oswald B Lloydj Lease Oswald D Lease Oswald Lloyd J Lease Shirley Dickins Lease Smith Lease Smith Lease Smith A Lease Smith W E Lease Smith W E Lease
Leases Near Oswald L J (C) Dickinson A Lease Dreiling A Lease Hall 11-1 Lease Ladd-Hickey Lease Oswald Lease Oswald 'A' Lease Oswald B Lloydj Lease Oswald D Lease Oswald Lloyd J Lease Shirley Dickins Lease Smith Lease Smith Lease Smith A Lease Smith W E Lease Smith W E Lease
Operators in the Area Arrowhead Exploration, LLC Berexco LLC Continental Operating Co. Dreiling Oil Inc E S P Developmne Farmer, John O., Inc. G L M Company Ia Operating, Inc. M G Oil Inc Mid-Continent Energy Corp. New London Oil I Patterson Energy LLC Phillips Petrole Phillips Petroleum Co. Prairie Oil Partners
Operators in the Area Arrowhead Exploration, LLC Berexco LLC Continental Operating Co. Dreiling Oil Inc E S P Developmne Farmer, John O., Inc. G L M Company Ia Operating, Inc. M G Oil Inc Mid-Continent Energy Corp. New London Oil I Patterson Energy LLC Phillips Petrole Phillips Petroleum Co. Prairie Oil Partners