Frances Mackey Et. Al.

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Frances Mackey Et. Al.
Operator: North American Resources Company
County: Finney County, KS
Production Dates on File: January 1980 to January 1998

6 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Frances Mackey Et. Al.
Wells Associated With Frances Mackey Et. Al.
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-055-20013 Frances Mackey 1 Converted to EOR Well 1968-03-29 1968-05-06
# 15-055-20015 Frances Mackey et al. 2 Converted to SWD Well 1968-07-18 1968-12-26
# 15-055-20052 Haag Mackey 3 Injection Authorization Termina 1971-11-06 1972-07-10
# 15-055-20630 Mackey 4 Plugged and Abandoned 1985-12-12 1986-02-11
# 15-055-20644 Mackey 5 Recompleted 1986-02-07 1986-03-15
# 15-055-20908 Mackey 6 Recompleted 1990-04-03 1990-07-03