Garden Cty1,2,4

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Garden Cty1,2,4
Operator: Atlas Operating LLC
County: Finney County, KS
Production Dates on File: May 2008 to August 2024

21 Total Wells

451 Barrels of Oil Produced in Jul 2024

Map of Wells Associated with Garden Cty1,2,4
Wells Associated With Garden Cty1,2,4
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-055-21971 Garden City 'B' 1-19 Producing 2008-03-25 2008-05-12
# 15-055-21993 Garden City 'B' 10-19 Producing 2008-07-21 2008-07-31
# 15-055-21984 Garden City 'B' 11-19 Producing 2008-06-02 2008-07-04
# 15-055-21986 Garden City 'B' 12-19 Producing 2008-06-24 2008-10-22
# 15-055-21999 Garden City 'B' 13-19 Producing 2008-08-02 2008-08-11
# 15-055-22007 Garden City 'B' 14-19 Producing 2008-08-22 2008-09-02
# 15-055-22011 Garden City 'B' 15-19 Authorized Injection Well 2008-08-21 2008-09-01
# 15-055-22012 Garden City 'B' 16-19 Producing 2008-09-03 2008-09-15
# 15-055-22022 Garden City 'B' 17-19 Inactive Well 2008-09-17 2008-10-01
# 15-055-22024 Garden City 'B' 18-19 Producing 2008-10-22 2008-12-01
# 15-055-22026 Garden City 'B' 19-19 Producing 2008-10-20 2008-10-31
# 15-055-21972 Garden City 'B' 2-19 Producing 2008-04-07 2008-05-15
# 15-055-22027 Garden City 'B' 20-19 Producing 2008-11-04 2008-11-15
# 15-055-22041 Garden City 'B' 21-19 Producing 2009-02-10 2009-03-06
# 15-055-21976 Garden City 'B' 3-19 Producing 2008-10-06 2008-10-17
# 15-055-21978 Garden City 'B' 4-19 Producing 2008-05-10 2008-05-20
# 15-055-21980 Garden City 'B' 5-19 Producing 2008-05-15 2008-08-04
# 15-055-21982 Garden City 'B' 6-19 Producing 2008-07-08 2008-10-06
# 15-055-21981 Garden City 'B' 7-19 Producing 2008-05-27 2008-08-05
# 15-055-21983 Garden City 'B' 8-19 Producing 2008-06-06 2008-08-10
# 15-055-21990 Garden City 'B' 9-19 Producing 2008-06-24 2008-10-22