
Lease Summary
Lease Name: Beckmeyer
Operator: Casady, John T.
County: Franklin County, KS
Production Dates on File: April 1980 to August 1985

36 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Beckmeyer
Wells Associated With Beckmeyer
Production Based on August 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-059-19279 BECKEMEYER 1 Plugged and Abandoned 1965-10-12 1965-10-12
# 15-059-21979 BECKEMEYER 6 Plugged and Abandoned 1981-06-10 1981-06-11
# 15-059-19282 BECKEMEYER 8 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-059-22703 BECKEMEYER 9 Producing 1982-08-10 1982-08-16
# 15-059-23247 BECKEMEYER-MCCONNELL 10 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-059-23947 BECKEMEYER-MCCONNELL 12 Plugged and Abandoned 1985-07-23 1985-09-27
# 15-059-19281 BECKEMEYER-MCCONNELL 5 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-059-25605 Beckmeyer 13 Plugged and Abandoned 2012-01-06 2012-01-13
# 15-059-25608 Beckmeyer 21 Plugged and Abandoned 2011-06-08 2011-06-13
# 15-059-26117 Beckmeyer 30 Approved for Plugging - CP-1 Re 2013-03-13 2013-03-14
# 15-059-25929 Beckmeyer I-1 Authorized Injection Well 2012-02-08 2012-03-12
# 15-059-25624 Beckmeyer I-10 Authorized Injection Well 2011-12-29 2012-01-13
# 15-059-25625 Beckmeyer I-11 Authorized Injection Well 2012-01-04 2012-01-13
# 15-059-25626 Beckmeyer I-12 Plugged and Abandoned 2011-06-03 2011-06-13
# 15-059-26130 Beckmeyer I-13 Authorized Injection Well 2013-03-12 2013-03-13
# 15-059-26131 Beckmeyer I-14 Plugged and Abandoned 2013-03-11 2013-03-12
# 15-059-26132 Beckmeyer I-15 Plugged and Abandoned 2013-03-08 2013-03-11
# 15-059-26133 Beckmeyer I-16 Plugged and Abandoned 2013-03-07 2013-03-08
# 15-059-26360 Beckmeyer I-17 Authorized Injection Well 2013-10-28 2013-11-20
# 15-059-26361 Beckmeyer I-18 Plugged and Abandoned 2013-10-31 2013-11-20
# 15-059-26362 Beckmeyer I-19 Plugged and Abandoned 2013-11-04 2013-11-20
# 15-059-25616 Beckmeyer I-2 Authorized Injection Well 2012-02-03 2012-03-12
# 15-059-25619 Beckmeyer I-5 Authorized Injection Well 2012-01-06 2012-01-13
# 15-059-25620 Beckmeyer I-6 Authorized Injection Well 2011-06-10 2011-06-14
# 15-059-25621 Beckmeyer I-7 Authorized Injection Well 2012-01-05 2012-01-13
# 15-059-25622 Beckmeyer I-8 Authorized Injection Well 2011-06-06 2011-06-13
# 15-059-26068 Beckmeyer I-9 Authorized Injection Well 2012-06-22 2012-07-25
# 15-059-26549 Beckmeyer P-2 Authorized Injection Well 2013-10-16 2013-10-31
# 15-059-26270 South Beckmeyer I-50 Authorized Injection Well 2012-11-07 2012-11-08
# 15-059-26236 South Beckmeyer I-51 Authorized Injection Well 2012-11-05 2012-11-06
# 15-059-26237 South Beckmeyer I-52 Approved for Plugging - CP-1 Re 2012-10-25 2012-10-29
# 15-059-26238 South Beckmeyer I-53 Authorized Injection Well 2012-10-26 2012-10-30
# 15-059-26239 South Beckmeyer I-54 Approved for Plugging - CP-1 Re 2012-10-29 2012-10-30
# 15-059-26272 South Beckmeyer I-55 Authorized Injection Well 2012-11-06 2012-11-07
# 15-059-26561 South Beckmeyer I-56 Authorized Injection Well 2014-07-21 2014-07-22
# 15-059-26562 South Beckmeyer I-57 Authorized Injection Well 2014-07-18 2014-07-21