Lease Summary
Lease Name: Life
Operator: Michael D. Traylor LLC
County: Greenwood County, KS
Production Dates on File: January 1980 to March 2022

35 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Life
Wells Associated With Life
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-073-75807 LIFE 1 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-19383 LIFE 1-A Producing 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-75813 LIFE 1-B Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-75811 LIFE 1-C Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-19975 LIFE 1-D Cancelled API Number 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-91282 LIFE 1-D Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-75819 LIFE 1-F Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-19384 LIFE 1-H Producing 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-21600 LIFE 1-S Plugged and Abandoned 1980-07-06 1980-07-09
# 15-073-75818 LIFE 1-SWD Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-22913 LIFE 10-H Plugged and Abandoned 1983-07-29 1983-08-10
# 15-073-22912 LIFE 11-H Plugged and Abandoned 1983-08-04 1983-08-15
# 15-073-23030 LIFE 12-H Plugged and Abandoned 1983-11-15 1984-06-27
# 15-073-23229 LIFE 13-H Plugged and Abandoned 1984-07-10 1984-07-19
# 15-073-23249 LIFE 15-H Plugged and Abandoned 1984-07-24 1984-07-30
# 15-073-75809 LIFE 2 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-75808 LIFE 2 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-75814 LIFE 2-B Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-21070 LIFE 2-D Producing 1976-08-15 1976-10-04
# 15-073-30286 LIFE 2-H Producing 1965-11-28 1966-01-02
# 15-073-00597 LIFE 3 1934-10-15 1934-10-22
# 15-073-75810 LIFE 3 Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-19501 LIFE 3 H Authorized Injection Well 2021-06-01 2021-06-01
# 15-073-19973 LIFE 3-B Inactive Well 1964-02-04 1964-03-26
# 15-073-75815 LIFE 3-B Plugged and Abandoned 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-19974 LIFE 3-C Producing 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-30288 LIFE 3-C 1966-05-26 1966-06-06
# 15-073-19501 LIFE 3-H Converted to EOR Well 1965-12-04 1966-01-20
# 15-073-19501 LIFE 3-H Recompleted 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
# 15-073-21059 LIFE 4-H Inactive Well 1976-05-22 1976-08-11
# 15-073-22024 LIFE 5-H Inactive Well 1981-08-26 1981-09-21
# 15-073-22284 LIFE 6-H Plugged and Abandoned 1982-03-02 1982-03-11
# 15-073-22331 LIFE 7-H Inactive Well 1982-05-10 1982-06-02
# 15-073-22333 LIFE 8-H Inactive Well 1982-05-04 1982-05-09
# 15-073-22416 LIFE 9-H Inactive Well 1982-10-05 1982-11-26