Smith Phillip

Lease Summary
Lease Name: Smith Phillip
Operator: K-W Oil - Evans
County: Greenwood County, KS
Production Dates on File: March 1983 to January 1994

5 Total Wells

Map of Wells Associated with Smith Phillip
Wells Associated With Smith Phillip
Production Based on July 2024 Data
API # Well Name Status Spud Date Completion Date
# 15-073-23038 PHILLIP SMITH 10 Inactive Well 1984-01-15 1984-01-25
# 15-073-23039 PHILLIP SMITH 11 Approved Intent to Drill 1984-02-01 1984-02-10
# 15-073-23040 PHILLIP SMITH 12 Approved Intent to Drill 1984-06-05 1984-08-01
# 15-073-23036 PHILLIP SMITH 8 Inactive Well 1983-12-11 1983-12-21
# 15-073-23037 PHILLIP SMITH 9 Inactive Well 1983-12-28 1984-01-15