Lease Summary Lease Name: Frederick H Operator: Recovery Resourc County: Harvey County, KS Production Dates on File: December 1980 to December 1980
Production By Month For Frederick H Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Frederick H oil and gas production between December 1980 and December 1980
Leases Near Frederick H Day Lease Dick Lease Frederick Estate Lease Gouldner H L Lease Harms Lease Harms D Lease Leclerc Lease Lehman Lease Machgan Lease Martindale Lease Morton Lease Pizinger Lease Pizinger Lease Pizinger 4 Lease Short Lease
Leases Near Frederick H Day Lease Dick Lease Frederick Estate Lease Gouldner H L Lease Harms Lease Harms D Lease Leclerc Lease Lehman Lease Machgan Lease Martindale Lease Morton Lease Pizinger Lease Pizinger Lease Pizinger 4 Lease Short Lease
Operators in the Area Allam Production, Inc. Bear Petroleum Commonwealth Pet Falcon Exploration, Inc. HG Oil Holdings, LLC Howell Oil Compa Howell Oil Company, Inc. Kantor Oil Company, LLC Lachenmayr Oil C Maxie D Incorpor Mohawk Petroleum MW Oil, Inc NPF Energy Corporation Unknown Wheatbelt Invest
Operators in the Area Allam Production, Inc. Bear Petroleum Commonwealth Pet Falcon Exploration, Inc. HG Oil Holdings, LLC Howell Oil Compa Howell Oil Company, Inc. Kantor Oil Company, LLC Lachenmayr Oil C Maxie D Incorpor Mohawk Petroleum MW Oil, Inc NPF Energy Corporation Unknown Wheatbelt Invest