Lease Summary Lease Name: Burton P Union C Operator: Eagle Exploratio County: Labette County, KS Production Dates on File: March 1980 to July 1982
Production By Month For Burton P Union C Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Burton P Union C oil and gas production between March 1980 and July 1982
Leases Near Burton P Union C Burt Patrick Lease Burton Lease Harshaw Trust 26-2 Lease Muller 1-23 Lease Muller 9-23 Lease Rau 2-22 Lease Schabel 5-22 Lease Snodgrass Lease Stegmeir 23-1 Lease Stegmeir 23-2 Lease Testerman Lease Testerman 12-24 Lease Testerman 14-14 Lease Testerman 3-14 Lease Vail,S.E. 14-1 Lease
Leases Near Burton P Union C Burt Patrick Lease Burton Lease Harshaw Trust 26-2 Lease Muller 1-23 Lease Muller 9-23 Lease Rau 2-22 Lease Schabel 5-22 Lease Snodgrass Lease Stegmeir 23-1 Lease Stegmeir 23-2 Lease Testerman Lease Testerman 12-24 Lease Testerman 14-14 Lease Testerman 3-14 Lease Vail,S.E. 14-1 Lease
Operators in the Area A B Energy Incor Allegro Investme Ashford Oil & Ga Big Jack Oil & G Central Plains E Colt Energy Inc Diamond Oil Comp Endeavor Energy Resources, LP Fdic-Federal Dep Highlite Energy Murk, James M. River Rock Operating, LLC Schmidt, Derek L. Triple J L.L.C. Unknown
Operators in the Area A B Energy Incor Allegro Investme Ashford Oil & Ga Big Jack Oil & G Central Plains E Colt Energy Inc Diamond Oil Comp Endeavor Energy Resources, LP Fdic-Federal Dep Highlite Energy Murk, James M. River Rock Operating, LLC Schmidt, Derek L. Triple J L.L.C. Unknown