Lease Summary Lease Name: McKnickle Operator: Murk, James M. County: Labette County, KS Production Dates on File: September 1984 to September 1987
Production By Month For McKnickle Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to McKnickle oil and gas production between September 1984 and September 1987
Leases Near McKnickle Coleman Lease Coleman Lease Cook Lease French Oren Lease King, R. 1-15 Lease McKnickle 2-11 Lease McNickle 4-11 Lease McNickle Ow-1 Lease McNickle, L. 12-10 Lease McNickle, L. 2-10 Lease Minnich Lease Minnich Kelez Lease Schmidt 12-11 Lease Van Buren/King Lease Zimmerman 16-11 Lease
Leases Near McKnickle Coleman Lease Coleman Lease Cook Lease French Oren Lease King, R. 1-15 Lease McKnickle 2-11 Lease McNickle 4-11 Lease McNickle Ow-1 Lease McNickle, L. 12-10 Lease McNickle, L. 2-10 Lease Minnich Lease Minnich Kelez Lease Schmidt 12-11 Lease Van Buren/King Lease Zimmerman 16-11 Lease
Operators in the Area A B Energy Incor Allegro Investme Ashford Oil & Ga Big Jack Oil & G Biron Incorporat Colt Energy Inc Diamond Oil Comp Housel, John R. SR. Kaylee Oil Company, Inc. Marchant, Joe Natural Growth M River Rock Operating, LLC Schmidt, Derek L. Sekan Resc Incor Unknown
Operators in the Area A B Energy Incor Allegro Investme Ashford Oil & Ga Big Jack Oil & G Biron Incorporat Colt Energy Inc Diamond Oil Comp Housel, John R. SR. Kaylee Oil Company, Inc. Marchant, Joe Natural Growth M River Rock Operating, LLC Schmidt, Derek L. Sekan Resc Incor Unknown