Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Chapin Cowley County, KS PETROLEUM ENTERP
Chapin Barber County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Chapin (1-36) Barber County, KS SNR Kansas Operating, LLC
Chapin 1 Barber County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Chapin 35 Barber County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Chapin Ranch Maste Barber County, KS HUMMON CORPORATI
Chapin-Smith (2) Barber County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Chaplin Cowley County, KS MUSGROVE CASEY O
Chapman Rooks County, KS Bach Oil Production
Chapman Sumner County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chapman Chase County, KS Chisholm Gas System Corporation
Chapman Leavenworth County, KS FAIRWAY PETROLEU
Chapman Leavenworth County, KS FAIRWAY PETROLEU
Chapman Labette County, KS PONY SOLDIER PET
Chapman Linn County, KS Bomber Oil Inc.
Chapman Stafford County, KS H & B Petroleum Corp.
Chapman Neosho County, KS JIMBO OIL COMPAN
Chapman #1 SWD Stafford County, KS Hallwood Petroleum, Inc.
Chapman 'A' Gove County, KS Barracuda Operating Company
Chapman 'B' Gove County, KS Pintail Petroleum, Ltd.
Chapman 'D' 1 Gove County, KS Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc.
Chapman 1-23 Gove County, KS Pintail Petroleum, Ltd.
Chapman 1-23 Gove County, KS Pintail Petroleum, Ltd.
Chapman A Sumner County, KS Faith Petroleum, Inc.
Chapman A Sumner County, KS Faith Petroleum, Inc.
Chapman B Sumner County, KS Pada Petroleum, Inc.
Chapman B Sumner County, KS Pada Petroleum, Inc.
Chapman O R Wilson County, KS BISHOP OIL & EXP
Chapman Ona Neosho County, KS JIMBO OIL COMPAN
Chapman, William F. 1-7 Labette County, KS River Rock Operating, LLC
Chappell Stafford County, KS Brougher Oil, Inc.
Chappell 1 Stafford County, KS Gra Ex, LLC
Chappell 1 Stafford County, KS Gra Ex, LLC
Chappelle Hund Rice County, KS Resource Operations, Inc.
Chapple 1 Seward County, KS Lang, Herman - Marital Trust
Chapple 2 Seward County, KS Lang, Herman - Marital Trust
Chapple 2 Seward County, KS Herman Lang Oil and Gas Co.
Chapple 4 Seward County, KS Lang, Herman - Marital Trust
Chappuie C4-23 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chard Allen County, KS Haul-Pac, Inc.
Charity 'A' 1 Stevens County, KS Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Charity 'A' 2 Stevens County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Charlene 1-17 Rawlins County, KS Downing-Nelson Oil Co Inc
Charlene 1-18 Rice County, KS Foundation Energy Management, LLC
Charlene 13-11 Comanche County, KS Redland Resources, LLC
Charlene 16-1 Morton County, KS Palmer Oil, Inc.
Charles Barton County, KS Vliet Properties
Charles (1-14) Sedgwick County, KS Bear Petroleum, LLC
Charles 1 Stafford County, KS H & D Exploration LLC
Charles 1-12 Haskell County, KS Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.
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