Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Childs-Pywell Rooks County, KS Mustang Energy Corporation
Chiles Stafford County, KS Rama Operating Co., Inc.
Chilson Hodgeman County, KS MID-CONTINENT EN
Chimdling Leavenworth County, KS MID GULF INCORPO
Chinberg McPherson County, KS Hess Oil Company
Chindberg McPherson County, KS Lawrence & Bush, Inc.
Chindberg McPherson County, KS Koehn, Carolyn
Chindberg 'B' McPherson County, KS Lawrence & Bush, Inc.
Chinn Butler County, KS Taylor Oil Co.
Chinn Butler County, KS RANGE OIL COMPAN
Chinn #1 Pratt County, KS Indian Oil Co., Inc.
Chinn (A) Chautauqua County, KS Victory Minerals LLC
Chinn (B) Chautauqua County, KS Snedco, Inc.
Chipman-Fox Pawnee County, KS Vess Oil Corporation
Chisham D M Wilson County, KS Chase, Michael
Chisholm McPherson County, KS UNION EXPLORATIO
Chisholm #1 Barton County, KS L. D. Drilling, Inc.
Chisholm 22 Barton County, KS American Warrior, Inc.
Chism Montgomery County, KS BLAKELY LAND & E
Chism 12-31 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chism 13-14 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chism 13-29 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chism 14-2 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chism 15-30 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chism 16-33 SWD Montgomery County, KS Layne Energy Operating, LLC
Chism 3-12 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chism 7-28 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chism D&C C4-12 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Chisolm 1-30 Barton County, KS American Warrior, Inc.
Chisolm 22 Barton County, KS American Warrior, Inc.
Chisom Miami County, KS Ballou Oil Well Service
Chitwood Pratt County, KS RAYMOND OIL COMP
Chitwood Pratt County, KS White, Kenneth S.
Chitwood #1 Sumner County, KS AGV Corp.
Chitwood Unit Pratt County, KS RAYMOND OIL COMP
Chivas-Peterson Rice County, KS FURTHER DEVELOPM
Chleborad 2 Rawlins County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Chmidling D S Leavenworth County, KS CASCADE OIL COMP
Choguill Woodson County, KS Leis, Victor J.
Choguill Woodson County, KS Leis, Victor J.
Choguill Allen County, KS ZOANDRA PETROLEU
Choguill Woodson County, KS Leis, Victor J.
Choguill H & O Woodson County, KS Leis, Victor J.
Chriestensen Woodson County, KS Ron-Bob Oil LLC
Chris 1-26 Trego County, KS Reilly Oil E & P
Chris Bahr Woodson County, KS Owens Oil Company, LLC
Chris Schneider Barton County, KS RJM Company
Chriselliott Ru Russell County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Chriselliott-El Ellis County, KS BEREXCO LLC
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