Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Colberg Trego County, KS Downing-Nelson Oil Co Inc
Colberg Trego County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Colberg Trego County, KS Equinox Oil Company
Colberg (D) Trego County, KS John O. Farmer, Inc.
Colberg (G) Trego County, KS John O. Farmer, Inc.
Colberg 01 Rice County, KS Daystar Petroleum, Inc.
Colberg 2-28 Rice County, KS RJM Company
Colbert Franci Miami County, KS M C Production
Colbertson Lloyd Allen County, KS unknown
Colborg Trego County, KS SABRE EXPLORATIO
Colborg Trego County, KS Citation Oil & Gas Corp.
Colborn 'A' 1 Barber County, KS Chieftain Oil Co., Inc.
Colborn 'A' 1 Barber County, KS R & B Oil & Gas, Inc.
Colborn 1,2-11 Hamilton County, KS HJ, Inc.
Colborn 1-26 H Barber County, KS Anderson Energy, Inc.
Colburn McPherson County, KS ECCO
Colburn Seward County, KS Edison Operating Company LLC
Colburn Seward County, KS Oil Producers, Inc. of Kansas
Colburn Seward County, KS FIRST NATIONAL O
Colburn Seward County, KS Herman L. Loeb, LLC
Colburn Seward County, KS First National Oil, Inc.
Colburn 'A' 1-21 Seward County, KS Oil Producers, Inc. of Kansas
Colburn 1 Barber County, KS Herman L. Loeb, LLC
Colburn 1 Seward County, KS RFORTUNA LLC
Colburn 1 Seward County, KS GLENWOOD INCORPO
Colburn 1 Seward County, KS First National Oil, Inc.
Colburn 1-16 Seward County, KS Edison Operating Company LLC
Colburn 1-21 Seward County, KS Oil Producers, Inc. of Kansas
Colburn 1-26 H Barber County, KS Anderson Energy, Inc.
Colburn 2-16 Seward County, KS Edison Operating Company LLC
Colburn 3-21 Seward County, KS Midwestern Exploration Company
Colburn 3-21 Seward County, KS Midwestern Exploration Company
Colburn 7-63 Seward County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Colburn Tucker 1-18 Wichita County, KS Lario Oil & Gas Company
Colclazier Kiowa County, KS Hillenburg Oil Co., a General Partnership
Colclazier Kiowa County, KS TGT Petroleum Corporation
Colclazier 1 Kiowa County, KS TGT Petroleum Corporation
Coldwater Rice County, KS HG Oil Holdings, LLC
Coldwater Rice County, KS HIEBERT & WEDEL
Coldwater 'B' Rice County, KS HIEBERT & WEDEL
Coldwater 'B' Rice County, KS PETROLEUM ENERGY
Coldwater 'C' Rice County, KS PETROLEUM ENERGY
Coldwater B Rice County, KS HIEBERT & WEDEL
Coldwater C 01 Rice County, KS Lonny Bruce Operations, L.L.C.
Coldwater Hanna 1-23 Gove County, KS Elevate Energy Ltd
Coldwater Stati Kiowa County, KS National Cooperative Refinery Assoc.
Cole Barber County, KS BEMCO, LLC
Cole Barber County, KS BOWERS DRILLING
Cole Reno County, KS Bear Petroleum, LLC
Cole Comanche County, KS Estate of Crawford Oil & Gas, Inc.
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