Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Collins Del Miami County, KS MAXAM INCORPORAT
Collins Et Al. B3-36 Montgomery County, KS RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Collins Fee Lea Montgomery County, KS CEP Mid-Continent LLC
Collins Henders Ellis County, KS Venture Resources, Inc.
Collins Henry G Woodson County, KS Haas Petroleum, LLC
Collins James M Franklin County, KS Aubry, Franz A.
Collins Patrick Woodson County, KS L & B Crude, Inc.
Collins Sam Reno County, KS EXCALIBUR PROD C
Collins William Woodson County, KS Brown, Nicholas L.
Collins(Aladdin Reno County, KS MW Oil, Inc
Collins,S. 6-1 Neosho County, KS River Rock Operating, LLC
Collins-Travis Montgomery County, KS Padgett Oil Inc.
Collinson Seward County, KS Kaiser-Francis Oil Company
Collinson Seward County, KS BOLERO ENERGY CO
Collinson Cowley County, KS Geo-Sax Petroleum
Collinson Cowley County, KS PETROLEUM ENTERP
Collinson Cowley County, KS PETROLEUM ENTERP
Collinson Cowley County, KS PETROLEUM ENTERP
Collinson Sumner County, KS Jenkins & Sons Production, Inc.
Collinson Sumner County, KS Lively, James D.
Collinson Sumner County, KS JENKINS & SONS P
Collinson Cowley County, KS RANGE OIL COMPAN
Collinson #1 Sumner County, KS Jenkins, Don(deceased)Estate
Collinson #1 Sumner County, KS Jenkins, Don(deceased)Estate
Collinson 'B' Cowley County, KS Te-Pe Oil & Gas
Collinson 'B' Cowley County, KS Te-Pe Oil & Gas
Collinson (A) Cowley County, KS Te-Pe Oil & Gas
Collinson (Pete Cowley County, KS Buffalo Oil & Gas, LLC
Collinson 01 Sumner County, KS Geo-Sax Petroleum
Collinson 02-A Cowley County, KS Three Bros. Energy, Inc.
Collinson 1 Seward County, KS Extreme Energy Co
Collinson 21-1 Cowley County, KS Phillips Oil Properties Inc.
Collinson 2a Cowley County, KS Geo-Sax Petroleum
Collinson G Cowley County, KS PETROLEUM ENTERP
Collinson Grove Cowley County, KS King's Well Service LLC
Collinwood D 3H Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Collison Wilson County, KS ZOANDRA PETROLEU
Colliver Carrie Russell County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Collngwood Gas Unit 'E' 3 Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Colony Inter-Co Morton County, KS Marathon Oil Company
Colony South(B) Allen County, KS Colt Energy Inc
Colt 45 Fbce 2-1 Lane County, KS Grand Mesa Operating Company
Colt 45 Fbce 2-4 Lane County, KS Grand Mesa Operating Company
Colter #1-11 Comanche County, KS Edison Operating Company LLC
Colter 'A' 1 Comanche County, KS ARES Energy, LTD
Colter 'A' 1 Comanche County, KS Edison Operating Company LLC
Colter 'A' 3 Comanche County, KS Edison Operating Company LLC
Colter 1 Comanche County, KS Quail Oil & Gas, LC
Colter 1 Comanche County, KS SAAW Operating LLC
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