Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Conard 1-20 Seward County, KS Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
Conard 1-20 Seward County, KS Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
Conard 2-20 Seward County, KS Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
Conard 2-20 Seward County, KS Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
Conard 35-41 Bourbon County, KS Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
Concept 1 Stafford County, KS Charter Energy, Inc.
Concept 3 Ab Pawnee County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
Concept Commercial 1 Russell County, KS RJM Company
Cond-Excal Reno County, KS EXCALIBUR PROD C
Condiff 8-22H Sumner County, KS New Horizon Resources LLC
Condit Sumner County, KS CRAIG-STEPHFIELD
Condit 'A' 2-8 Seward County, KS Oil Producers, Inc. of Kansas
Condit 1 Seward County, KS Oil Producers, Inc. of Kansas
Condit Southwest Seward County, KS Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Condit Unit Seward County, KS ANADARKO PETROLE
Condry Montgomery County, KS Horton, John
Condry 1-18 Meade County, KS HJ, Inc.
Cone West Miami County, KS Haas Petroleum, LLC
Conell Ellis County, KS Petroleum Property Services, Inc.
Conell Ellis County, KS Petroleum Property Services, Inc.
Conell (1-35) Ellis County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Conell 1 Ellis County, KS TDI, Inc.
Conell LKC Ellis County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Conely Rice County, KS Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.
Congdon Neosho County, KS Kepley Well Service, LLC
Congdon #3 Hi Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon 'A' 1 Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon 'A' 2 Grant County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Congdon 'A' 2 Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon 'A' 3 Grant County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Congdon 'A' 4 Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon 'B' 1 Stanton County, KS BP America Production Company
Congdon 'B' 2 Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon 1 Finney County, KS Kansas Natural Gas Operating, LC
Congdon 1 Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon 1 Grant County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Congdon 10-28 Finney County, KS PetroSantander (USA) Inc.
Congdon 11-28 Finney County, KS PetroSantander (USA) Inc.
Congdon 12-28 Finney County, KS PetroSantander (USA) Inc.
Congdon 2 Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon 5 Finney County, KS PetroSantander (USA) Inc.
Congdon 6-28 Finney County, KS PetroSantander (USA) Inc.
Congdon 9-28 Finney County, KS PetroSantander (USA) Inc.
Congdon A-5 Atu-178 Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon B #3hi Stanton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Congdon Northut Finney County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
Conger Allen County, KS Colt Energy Inc
Conger 'A' Rooks County, KS WEILERT ENTERPRI
Conger 'B' Rooks County, KS WEILERT ENTERPRI
Conger (A) Rooks County, KS The Bill Bowman Oil Company
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