Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Cramm E.W. (D) Rice County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
Crandall Rice County, KS Daystar Petroleum, Inc.
Crandall Allen County, KS RL Oil & Gas, LLC
Crandall #2 Rice County, KS Daystar Petroleum, Inc.
Crandall 'B' 1 Morton County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Crandall 'B' 4 Morton County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Crandall 2 Rice County, KS Mid Kansas Gas Gathering
Crandall B Morton County, KS OXY USA Inc.
Crane Harper County, KS Flatlander Petroleum LLC
Crane Harper County, KS Flatlander Petroleum LLC
Crane Pawnee County, KS Grady Bolding Corporation
Crane McPherson County, KS White Hawk Oil Company, LLP
Crane McPherson County, KS Loewen Operator, Inc.
Crane Chautauqua County, KS Petro Kansas, LLC
Crane Cowley County, KS PETROLEUM ENTERP
Crane Rice County, KS CMX, Inc.
Crane 'B' Kingman County, KS Pickrell Drilling Co., Inc.
Crane 'B' Kingman County, KS Wildcat Oil & Gas LLC
Crane 'B' 3 Kingman County, KS Wildcat Oil & Gas LLC
Crane 1 Pawnee County, KS H & B Petroleum Corp.
Crane Cran2 & A McPherson County, KS Loewen Operator, Inc.
Crane-Day Montgomery County, KS MARCHANT DONALD
Crane-Day L Montgomery County, KS MARCHANT DONALD
Cranmer Sedgwick County, KS ALLISON J A
Cranor Labette County, KS Panaco, Inc.
Cranor, Raymond E. 10-1 Labette County, KS River Rock Operating, LLC
Cranor, Raymond E. 15-1 Labette County, KS River Rock Operating, LLC
Cranor, Raymond E. 2-10 Labette County, KS River Rock Operating, LLC
Cranor, Raymond E. 3-10 Labette County, KS River Rock Operating, LLC
Cranston Ness County, KS K & E PETROLEUM
Cranston Cowley County, KS Double "D" Oil Company, Inc.
Cranston Ness County, KS CONTINENTAL OIL
Cranston Farms Thomas County, KS White & Ellis Drilling, Inc.
Crase 1 & 'A' 1 Finney County, KS Pintail Petroleum, Ltd.
Crase Gas Unit 1 Finney County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Crater Johnson County, KS Crater, Gary D.
Crathorne Ellis County, KS TDI, Inc.
Crathorne Ellis County, KS Vess Oil Corporation
Crathorne Ellis County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Craven Verne A Neosho County, KS KELT ENERGY INCO
Cravens Stafford County, KS S & J OPERATING
Cravens #1 Stafford County, KS Raymond Oil Company, Inc.
Cravens 1-15 Stafford County, KS DEUTSCH OIL COMPANY
Cravens 1-15 Stafford County, KS DEUTSCH OIL COMPANY
Craver 1 Morton County, KS Petro Source Partners, Ltd.
Craver Disposal Morton County, KS Tucker, Stephen A.
Crawford Miami County, KS SPINDLE FRED
Crawford Douglas County, KS MIDLAND ENTERPRI
Crawford Franklin County, KS BG-5, Inc.
Crawford Trego County, KS R & C DRILLING C
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