Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Delbert Davis 'B' 1-5 Meade County, KS HORIZON OIL & GA
Delbert Sulliva Woodson County, KS Chriestenson Oil LLC
Delbert Walt Trust Sheridan County, KS H & C Oil Operating Inc.
Delhotal #20-9 Pawnee County, KS Bear Petroleum, LLC
Delimont Phillips County, KS Bach Oil Production
Delker #1 Hodgeman County, KS Evans Energy, LLC
Dell Butler County, KS Darrah Oil Company, LLC
Dell 1-15 Decatur County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Della Gross Russell County, KS Mar-Lou Oil Co., LLC
Della Haworth 1 Stevens County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Dellenbach 1 Rooks County, KS Bach Oil Production
Dellere 1-25 Rawlins County, KS Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
Dellette Butler County, KS KLM Oil Operations, Inc.
Dellinger 1-36 Seward County, KS Harris Oil & Gas Company
Delmar Chrisler Ellis County, KS E S P DEVELOPMNE
Delmas Cech Rawlins County, KS GEMINI CORPORATI
Delong Elk County, KS Boom Co.
Delong Elk County, KS VanRoyen Oil and Gas, L.L.C.
Delores Thomas County, KS Beren Corp.
Delores 1 Stafford County, KS L. D. Drilling, Inc.
Delores 1-12 Haskell County, KS Chesapeake Operating, LLC
Delores 1-27 Cheyenne County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Delores 1-5 Edwards County, KS F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.
Delores 1-5 Edwards County, KS F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.
Deloris 1 Rooks County, KS Bach Oil Production
Delp Stafford County, KS EDWARDS OIL INCO
Delph Kingman County, KS LAUCK D R OIL CO
Delzeit Logan County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
Delzeit 1 Thomas County, KS Castle Resources, Inc.
Demalorie East Greenwood County, KS Warhorse Petroleum Inc
Demalorie West Greenwood County, KS Warhorse Petroleum Inc
Demalorie-Sowde Greenwood County, KS Barnard Oil Operations
Demand Marion County, KS DIETER PROD COMP
Demaranville Leavenworth County, KS Robinette Oil Company LLC
Demel Barton County, KS Palomino Petroleum, Inc.
Demel Barton County, KS Richlan Drilling, a General Partnership
Demel Barton County, KS RJM Company
Demel Barton County, KS JANDIE OIL COMPA
Demel Barton County, KS HUTCHINSON OIL C
Demel Barton County, KS DOUBLE EAGLE EXP
Demel Barton County, KS EVANS OIL D W -
Demel Barton County, KS Curt's Oil Operation, LLC
Demel Barton County, KS ASSOCIATED OIL &
Demel Barton County, KS CHIEF DRILLING C
Demel Barton County, KS ALLISON DEAN OIL
Demel Barton County, KS RJM Company
Demel Barton County, KS EAGLE OIL COMPAN
Demel 1 Barton County, KS RJM Company
Demel 1-15 Barton County, KS Hartman Oil Co., Inc.
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