Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
Dunkle 'B' Butler County, KS Lachenmayr Oil LLC
Dunlap Cowley County, KS LEAKE KEITH D
Dunlap Rooks County, KS COLUMBIA PETROLE
Dunlap Greenwood County, KS JACKSON BROTHERS
Dunlap Allen County, KS LAYTON OIL COMPA
Dunlap Allen County, KS OWENS OIL COMPAN
Dunlap Greenwood County, KS Massey, Gary R.
Dunlap #6 Rooks County, KS Vess Oil Corporation
Dunlap 'A' Stevens County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Dunlap 'A' 1-11 Stevens County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Dunlap 'A' 2 Stevens County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Dunlap 'A' 2-11 Stevens County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Dunlap 'A' 2-11 Stevens County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Dunlap 'A' 3-11 Stevens County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Dunlap 'A' 3-11 Stevens County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Dunlap 1 Seward County, KS TOMLINSON OIL CO
Dunlap 1 Seward County, KS Midwestern Exploration Company
Dunlap 1 Seward County, KS Extreme Energy Co
Dunlap 1 Stevens County, KS EXXONMOBIL Oil Corp
Dunlap 1 Stevens County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
Dunlap 1-8 Seward County, KS Midwestern Exploration Company
Dunlop Linn County, KS DIAMOND B INDUST
Dunlop Linn County, KS DIAMOND B INDUST
Dunlop Rooks County, KS Four-Way Operating, Inc.
Dunlop Miami County, KS RAM GAS & OIL CO
Dunlop 3-7 Bourbon County, KS Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
Dunlop 5-7 Bourbon County, KS Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
Dunlop Raymond Linn County, KS FRANKLIN PETROLE
Dunman VIola Greenwood County, KS Ron-Bob Oil LLC
Dunn Morton County, KS Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP
Dunn Cowley County, KS TRIPLE G OILFIEL
Dunn Jefferson County, KS Red Cloud Exploration Operating LLC
Dunn Jefferson County, KS KLMKH Inc
Dunn Cowley County, KS Phoenix Oil Corporation
Dunn Miami County, KS Hunt Oil, LLC
Dunn Stafford County, KS Kansas Petroleum, Inc.
Dunn 01-13 Cheyenne County, KS Own Resources Operating LLC
Dunn 1 Morton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Dunn 1 Cowley County, KS Three Bros. Energy, Inc.
Dunn 1 Stevens County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Dunn 1 Morton County, KS Spess Oil Company, a General Partnership
Dunn 1 Finney County, KS Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
Dunn 1 Grant County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
Dunn 1-10 Kiowa County, KS Oil Producers, Inc. of Kansas
Dunn 1-10 Kiowa County, KS Oil Producers, Inc. of Kansas
Dunn 1-11 Kiowa County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Dunn 1-11 Kiowa County, KS BEREXCO LLC
Dunn 1-24 Comanche County, KS Grand Mesa Operating Company
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