Oil and Gas Leases in Kansas

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Kansas Oil and Gas Production By Year
Oil & Gas Leases in Kansas
Lease Name Location Operator Oil Prod Gas Prod
E. Owens 1 Haskell County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. Owens 2-16 Haskell County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. P. Brewer 1 Grant County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. P. Lewis 'B' 1 Morton County, KS Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.
E. P. Lewis 'B' 2 Morton County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
E. Parks 'B' 1 Gove County, KS Pintail Petroleum, Ltd.
E. Parks 1 Gove County, KS Pintail Petroleum, Ltd.
E. Paul Boles 1-11 Seward County, KS Pantera Energy Company
E. Paul Boles 1-11 Seward County, KS Pantera Energy Company
E. Paul Boles 2-11 Seward County, KS UNION PACIFIC RE
E. Paul Boles 2-11 Seward County, KS RME Petroleum Company
E. Paul Boles 3-11 Seward County, KS Cisco Operating LLC
E. Paul Boles 4-11 Seward County, KS Merit Energy Company, LLC
E. R. Goering Butler County, KS Casillas Petroleum Corp
E. R. Yuncker 1 Haskell County, KS Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.
E. Riffel Marion County, KS Hett Oil & Gas, LLC
E. Robl Barton County, KS RJM Company
E. Rose Allen County, KS Bayonet Petroleum LLC
E. S. Berry Rahn Cowley County, KS Victory Minerals LLC
E. S. Boase 1 Kearny County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. S. Boase 2 Kearny County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. S. Boase Farm 3 Kearny County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. S. Finney 2 Butler County, KS Vess Oil Corporation
E. S. Raydure 2 Stevens County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. S. Rugan Stafford County, KS F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.
E. Sauer/Oil Cowley County, KS Richardson and Son , Inc.
E. Schaller 1 Edwards County, KS BRUNSON PRODUCTI
E. Schmidt Ellis County, KS Pfeifer Explorations, LLC
E. Schrag 1 Harvey County, KS Trek AEC, LLC
E. Shapland Trust 'B' 1 Lane County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
E. Shughart 1 Thomas County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
E. Shughart 2 Thomas County, KS Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
E. Smith Rooks County, KS Trans Pacific Oil Corporation
E. Sterling A Barber County, KS Dixon Operating Company, LLC
E. Thomas Barton County, KS Hallwood Petroleum, Inc.
E. Thompson 2 Morton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. W. Huitt Haskell County, KS Hugoton Energy Corporation
E. W. Marteney TR Kingman County, KS Texaco Expl. and Prod. Inc.
E. W. McNaghten 'D' 1 Meade County, KS SOUTHWEST GAS ST
E. W. McNaghton 'C' 1 Meade County, KS SW Gas Stge
E. W. Root TR 2 Rice County, KS Western Oil & Gas Development Co.
E. W. Snowberger 1 Grant County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. Weinhold Russell County, KS G L M Company
E. Welsch 1 Edwards County, KS Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc.
E. Wilson Unit 1-3 Stevens County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E. Yingling 1 Hamilton County, KS Scout Energy Management LLC
E.B. Studer B-2 Pratt County, KS Siroky Oil Management
E.B.Studer B Pratt County, KS Siroky Oil Management
E.Brothers Labette County, KS Double Eagle Resources, LLC
E.C. Ordway A2 Rooks County, KS M G Oil Inc
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